The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.

The Wonders of Prayer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 451 pages of information about The Wonders of Prayer.
from whom to look for continuous aid.  Winter drew on, and, one day, her little boy came in shivering with cold and asked if he could not have a fur cap, as his straw hat was very cold and none of the boys at school wore straw hats.  She was without a cent in the world.  She gave a hopeful answer to the boy and sent him out to play, and then went to her bedroom and knelt and wept in utter desolation of heart before God, praying most earnestly that God would give her a token that He was her God and was caring for her by sending her a cap for her boy.  While she prayed the peace of God filled her soul.  She was made to feel the presence of her Saviour in such a way that all doubts as to his love for her and his fulfillment of all his promises to care for her vanished away, and she went out of her room, rejoicing in the Lord and singing his praise.  She had no burden about the cap, and was quite content for God to send it or not as it pleased Him; and, in the afternoon, when a neighbor called, occupied with the Lord and his wonderful love, the thought of the cap had gone from her mind.  When the neighbor rose to depart, she said, “You know my little boy died last fall.  Just before he died I bought him a fur cap:  he only wore it two or three times.  After his death I put away all his things and thought I could never part with any of them.  But, this morning, as I went to the drawer to look them over, I felt that I should give you this cap for your little boy.  Will you take it of me?” As she took the cap and told her neighbor of the morning trial, prayer and blessing, two souls were filled with the sense of the reality of prayer and the love of God for his children.  “My little boy,” said the widow, “wore that cap for three winters.  And often, when sorely tried by my circumstances, has God lifted the burden from my heart, by my just looking at it, and remembering the blessing that came with it.”

Experiences like this God gives to all his children, not for the purpose of leading them to look to Him for supplying their physical necessities, as an end, but to make Himself known to them, and to secure their confidence and love, for “this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent.” (Jno. xvii, 8.)

The use of prayer is to bring us into communion with God, for the growth of the spiritual life, that is ours by faith in Christ Jesus.  To leave it upon any lower plane than this, is to rob it of its highest functions and to paralyze it of lasting power for good in any direction.  The promises of God are conditioned upon our being in this state of heart toward God.  “If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (Jno. xv., 7.) Abiding in Christ, our will will be His will, as to desiring that which will most advance the divine life and promote confidence in God, and all our desires for material blessings will be subordinated to this motive. 

Project Gutenberg
The Wonders of Prayer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.