[5] Old New Bedford friends.
[6] Fritz und Maria und Ich. Von Mrs. Prentiss. Deutsche autorisirte Ausgabe. Von Marie Morgenstern. Itzchoe, 1874.
[7] She gave me the pet-name of “Fanny” because she did not like mine, and there was an old joke about “John.”—E. A. W.
[8] The custom related to a pious salutation, with which two friends, or even strangers, greet each other, when meeting on the mountain highways and passes in certain districts of Tyrol. "Gelobt sei Jesu Christ!" cries one; "In Ewigkeit, Amen!" answers the other (i.e., “Praised be Jesus Christ!” “For evermore, Amen!”) The following lines are from Mrs. F.’s Poem:
“When the poor peasant, alpenstock
in hand,
Toils up the steep,
And finds a friend upon the dizzy height
Amid his sheep,
“They do not greet each other as
in our
Kind English way,
Ask not for health, nor wish in cheerful
“Infinite thoughts alone spring
up in that
Great solitude,
Nothing seems worthy or significant
But heavenly good;
“So in this reverent and sacred
Their souls outpour,—
Blessed be Jesus Christ’s most holy
‘For evermore!’”
[9] Rev. Asa Cummings, D.D., of Portland, for many years editor of the Christian Mirror; one of the weightiest, wisest and best men of his generation.
Death of Mrs. Stearns. Her Character. Dangerous Illness of Prof. Smith. Death at the Parsonage. Letters. A Visit to Vassar College. Letters. Getting ready for General Assembly. “Gates Ajar.”