Blackfoot Lodge Tales eBook

George Bird Grinnell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Blackfoot Lodge Tales.

Blackfoot Lodge Tales eBook

George Bird Grinnell
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Blackfoot Lodge Tales.

When Heavy Collar saw this, his heart almost melted away.  At length he mustered up courage, and said:  “Oh ghost, go away, and do not trouble me.  I am very tired; I want to rest.”  The ghost paid no attention to him, but kept on whistling, swinging its legs in time to the tune.  Four times he prayed to her, saying:  “Oh ghost, take pity on me!  Go away and leave me alone.  I am tired; I want to rest.”  The more he prayed, the more the ghost whistled and seemed pleased, swinging her legs, and turning her head from side to side, sometimes looking down at him, and sometimes up at the stars, and all the time whistling.

When he saw that she took no notice of what he said, Heavy Collar got angry at heart, and said, “Well, ghost, you do not listen to my prayers, and I shall have to shoot you to drive you away.”  With that he seized his gun, and throwing it to his shoulder, shot right at the ghost.  When he shot at her, she fell over backward into the darkness, screaming out:  “Oh Heavy Collar, you have shot me, you have killed me!  You dog, Heavy Collar! there is no place on this earth where you can go that I will not find you; no place where you can hide that I will not come.”

As she fell back and said this, Heavy Collar sprang to his feet, and ran away as fast as he could.  She called after him:  “I have been killed once, and now you are trying to kill me again.  Oh Heavy Collar!” As he ran away, he could still hear her angry words following him, until at last they died away in the distance.  He ran all night long, and whenever he stopped to breathe and listen, he seemed to hear in the distance the echoes of her voice.  All he could hear was, “Oh Heavy Collar!” and then he would rush away again.  He ran until he was all tired out, and by this time it was daylight.  He was now quite a long way below Fort McLeod.  He was very sleepy, but dared not lie down, for he remembered that the ghost had said that she would follow him.  He kept walking on for some time, and then sat down to rest, and at once fell asleep.

Before he had left his party, Heavy Collar had said to his young men:  “Now remember, if any one of us should get separated from the party, let him always travel to the Belly River Buttes.  There will be our meeting-place.”  When their leader did not return to them, the party started across the country and went toward the Belly River Buttes.  Heavy Collar had followed the river up, and had gone a long distance out of his way; and when he awoke from his sleep he too started straight for the Belly River Buttes, as he had said he would.

When his party reached the Buttes, one of them went up on top of the hill to watch.  After a time, as he looked down the river, he saw two persons coming, and as they came nearer, he saw that one of them was Heavy Collar, and by his side was a woman.  The watcher called up the rest of the party, and said to them:  “Here comes our chief.  He has had luck.  He is bringing a woman with him. 

Project Gutenberg
Blackfoot Lodge Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.