Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“I used to sit on the lever at the gin.  You know that was glory to me to ride.  I whipped the old mule.  Ever’ now and then I’d give him a tap.

“When they pressed the cotton, they wet the press and I member one time they wet it too much.  I don’t say they sont it back but I think they made em pay for it.  And they used to put chunks in the bale to make it weigh heavy.  Right there on that lake where I was born.

“Used to work in the field.  These white folks can tell you I loved to work.  I used to get as much as the men.  My mammy was a worker and as the sayin’ is, I was a chip off the old block.

“The first teacher I went to school to was named Mr. Cushman.  Didn’t go only on rainy days.  That was the first school and you might say the las’ one cause I had to nuss them chillun.

“You know old massa used to keep all our ages and my daddy said I was nineteen when I married, but I don’t know what year ’twas—­honest I don’t.

“I been married three times.

“I member one time I was goin’ to a buryin’.  I was hurryin’ to get dressed.  I wanted to be ready when they come by for me cause they say it’s bad luck to stop a corpse.  If you don’t know that I do—­you know if they had done started from the house.

“My mama and daddy said they was born in Tennessee and was bought and brought here.

“I been goin’ to one of these gov’ment schools and got my eyes so weak I can’t hardly see to thread a needle.  I’se crazy bout it I’m tellin’ you.  I sit up here till God knows how long.  They give me a copy to practice and they’d brag on me and that turned me foolish.  I jus’ thought I was the teacher herself almos’.  That’s the truf now.

“I can’t read much.  I don’t fool with no newspaper.  I wish I could, woman—­I sure do.

“I keep tellin’ these young folks they better learn somethin’.  I tell em they better take this chance.  This young generation—­I don’t know much bout the whites—­I’m tellin’ you these colored is a sight.

“Well, I’m gwine away from here d’rectly—­ain’t gwine be here much longer.  If I don’t see you again I’ll meet you in heaven.”

Interviewer:  Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed:  Patsy Moore, Madison, Arkansas
Age:  74

“My mother was sold in Jamestown, Virginia to Daphney Hull.  Her white folks got in debt.  My papa was born in Georgia.  Folks named Williams owned him.  Ma never seen her ma no more but William Hull went to Virginia and bought her two sisters.

“I was named Patsy after grandma in Virginia.  She had twenty-one children to ma’s knowing.  Ma was a light color.  Pa was a Molly Glaspy man.  That means he was Indian and African.  Molly Glaspy folks was nearly always free folks.  Ma was named Mattie.  If they would have no children they got trafficked about.

“Daphney Hull was good but William Hull and his wife was both mean.  They lived on the main road to Holly Springs.  Daphney Hull was a Methodist man, kind-hearted and good.  He was a bachelor I think.  He kept a woman to cook and keep his house.  Auntie said the Yankees was mean to Mr. William Hull’s wife.  They took all their money and meat.  They had their money hid and some of the black folks let the Yankees find out where it was.  They got it.

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.