Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 371 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“If all slaves had belonged to white folks like ours, there wouldn’t been any freedom wanted.”

Interviewer:  Miss Irene Robertson
Person interviewed:  John Payne
                    Brinkley, Ark. 
Age:  74

“I was born in Georgia, close to Bowles Spring, in Franklin County.  My mama’s master was Reverend David Payne.  He was a Baptist preacher.  My mama said my father was Monroe Glassby.  He was a youngster on a neighboring plantation.  He was white.  His father was a landowner.  I think she said it was 70 miles east of Atlanta where they went to trade.  They went to town two or three times a year.  It took about a week to go and come.

“From what Mama said they didn’t know it was freedom for a long time.  They worked on I know till that crop was made and gathered.  Somebody sent word to the master, Rev. David, he better turn them slaves loose.  Some of the hands heard the message.  That was the first they knowed it was freedom.  My mama said she seen soldiers and heard fighting.  She had heard that if the Yankees won the war all the slaves be free.  She set to studyin’ what she would do.  She didn’t know what to do.  So when she heard it she asked If she had to be free.  She told Rev. David she wanted to stay like she had been staying.  After I was up a good size boy we went to Banks County.  She done house work and field work too and I done farm work.  All kinds and from sun-up till dark every day.  Sometimes I get in so late I have to make a torch light to see how to put the feed in the troughs.  We had plenty litard—­pine knots—­they was rich to burn.

“I used to vote but I quit since I come to Arkansas.  I come in 1902.  I paid my own way and wrote back for my family.  I paid their way too.  I got one little grandaughter, 20 years old.  She is off trying to make her way through college.  My wife had a stroke and she can’t do much no more.  I got a piece of a house.  It need repairs.  I can’t hardly pay my taxes.  I can’t work much.  I got two cows and six little pigs.  I got eighty acres land.  I worked fourteen years for John Gazolla and that is when I made enough to buy my place.  I am in debt but I am still working.  Seems like one old man can’t make much.”

Interviewer:  Miss Irene Robertson
Person Interviewed:  Larkin Payne
                    Brinkley, Ark. 
Age:  85

“I was born in North Carolina.  I don’t recall my moster’s name.  My parents was Sarah Hadyn and John Payne.  They had seven children.  None of them was sold.  My pa was sold.  He had three sons in the Civil War.  None of em was killed.  One was in the war four years, the others a good portion of two years.  They was helpers.

“Grandma bought grandpa’s, freedom.  My great grandma was an Indian woman.  My mother was dark brown.  My father was tolerable light.  When I was small child they come in and tell bout people being sold.  I heard a whole lot about it that way.  It was great grandma Hadyn that was the Indian.  My folks worked in the field or anywhere as well as I recollect.

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.