The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 46 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

    [6] The recent publications on the present state of the town, will
        amply establish the prophecy of our historian.

Here are two public rooms, the one convenient, the other not only so, but elegant; not excelled perhaps by any public room in England, that of York excepted:  and the attention of the proprietor in preparing every thing that may answer for the conveniency and amusement of the company, is extremely meritorious.

For divine service there is a large Church, pleasantly situated on a rising ground above the town; but at a distance that is inconvenient to the old and infirm.  The Dissenters, who, of all denominations, amount to but forty families, have a Presbyterian, a Quaker’s, and an Anabaptist’s meeting-house.

The men of this town are busied almost the whole year in a succeeding variety of fishing; and the women industriously dedicate part of their time, disengaged from domestic cares, to the providing of nets adapted to the various employments of their husbands.

The spring season is spent in dredging for oysters, which are mostly bedded in the Thames and Medway, and afterwards carried to the London market; the mackerel fishery employs them during the months of May, June, and July; and the fruits of their labour are always sent to London; as Brighthelmston has the advantage of being its nearest fishing sea-coast, and as the consumption of the place, and its environs, is very inconsiderable.  In the early part of this fishery they frequently take the red mullet; and near the close of it, abundance of lobsters and prawns.  August is engaged in the trawl-fishery, when all sorts of flat fish are taken in a net called by that name.  In September they fish for whiting with lines; and in November the herring fishery takes place, which is the most considerable and growing fishery of the whole.  Those employed in this pursuit show an activity and boldness almost incredible, often venturing out to sea in their little boats in such weather as the largest ships can scarce live in.  Part of their acquisition in this way is sent to London, but the greatest share of it is either pickled, or dried and made red.  These are mostly sent to foreign markets, making this fishery a national concern.[7]

    [7] There are 300 fishermen, 11 vessels, and 57 fishing boats
        belonging to this place.

In examining the ancient and modern descriptions of the Baiae in Campania, where the Romans of wealth and quality, during the greatness of that empire, retired for the sake of health and pleasure, when public exigencies did not require their attendance at Rome, and comparing them with those of Brighthelmston, I can perceive a striking resemblance; and I am persuaded, that every literary person who will impartially consider this matter on the spot, will concur with me in opinion, giving, in some measure, the preference to our own Baiae, as exempt from the inconvenient steams of hot sulphureous baths, and the dangerous vicinity of Mount Vesuvius.  And I have no doubt but it will be equally frequented, when the healthful advantages of its situation shall be sufficiently made known.

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.