Town and Country Sermons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about Town and Country Sermons.

Town and Country Sermons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about Town and Country Sermons.
into the heart of man to conceive.  If this world be beautiful, how beautiful must that world of all worlds be.  If the sun be glorious, how glorious must the sun of all suns be.  If the heaven over us be grand, how grand must that heaven of heavens be.  We will not talk of it; for we cannot imagine it:  and if we tried to, we should only lower it to our own low fancies.  But is it not reasonable to suppose, that there God the Father does, perhaps, in some unspeakable way, shew forth his glory?  That there, in the heart of all the worlds, Cherubim and Seraphim continually adore him, crying day and night, ’Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth:  Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory!’ before his throne from which goes forth light, and power, and life, to all worlds and all created things.

And is it not reasonable to believe, that there Christ is, in the bosom of the Father, and at the right hand of God?  We know that those, too, are only figures.  That God is a Spirit, everywhere and nowhere; and has not hands as we have.  But it is only by such figures that the Bible can make us understand the truth, that Christ is the highest being in all heavens and worlds; equal with God the Father, and sharer of his kingdom, and power, and glory, God blessed for ever.  Amen.

What then does St. Paul mean, when he says, ’That he may fill all things?’ I do not know.  And I will take care not to lessen and spoil St. Paul’s words, by any ignorant words of my own.  But one thing I know it will mean one day, for St. Paul says so.  That Christ reigns, and will reign, triumphant over sin, and death, and hell, till he have put all enemies under his feet, and the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.  Then shall he deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father; that God may be all in all.  What that means I do not know.  But this I can say, and you can say.  We can pray that God will finish the number of his elect and hasten his kingdom, that we, with all that are departed in the true faith, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in his eternal kingdom.  And this I can say, that it means now, for you and me; for Whitsuntide tells me:—­that whatever else Christ can or cannot fill, he can at least fill our hearts, because he is in the bosom of the Father himself; and therefore from him, as from the Father, proceeds the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life.  That Spirit will proceed even to us, if we will have him.  He will fill our hearts with himself; with the Spirit of goodness, which proceeds out of the heaven of heavens, and out of the bosom of God himself; with love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness; with truth, honour, duty, earnestness, and all that is the likeness of Christ and of God.  Oh let us pray for that Spirit; the Spirit of truth, which Christ promised us when he ascended up into the heaven of heavens, to keep us sound in our most holy faith; and the Spirit of goodness, to give us strength to live the good lives of good Christian men.

Project Gutenberg
Town and Country Sermons from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.