O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921.

O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921.
the author seems to say; not sordid realistic portrayal of earth grubbers.  So, too, Tristram Tupper’s “Grit” reveals the inspiration that flashed from the life of a junkman.  So Cooper and Creagan evoke the drama of the railroad man’s world:  glare of headlight, crash of wreckage and voice of the born leader mingle in unwonted orchestration.  “Martin Gerrity Gets Even” is reprinted as their best story of this genre.

The stories of Ethel Watts Mumford declare her cosmopolitan ability and her willingness to deal with lives widely diverse.  At least three rank high in the estimation of her fellow-committeemen.  “Aurore,” by its terseness and poignant interpretation of the character of the woman under the Northern Lights touches poetry and is akin to music in its creative flight.  The Committee voted to include it in Volume III, under the author’s protest and under her express stipulation that it should not be regarded as a candidate for either prize.  That another of her stories might have found place in the collection is indicated best by the following letter: 

The Players 16 Gramercy Park New York City

November 16th


To Dr. B.C.  Williams,
605 West 113 Street,
New York City.

My Dear Doctor Williams,

I mailed to you yesterday a copy of a story by Ethel Watts Mumford, entitled “Funeral Frank,” published in the Detective Story Magazine two weeks ago—­for your consideration in awarding the O. Henry Memorial prize.

I think it is the best short story I have read in a long time both for originality of subject and technical construction.

The choice on the author’s part of such an unsuspected (by the reader) and seemingly insignificant agent for the working of Nemesis, I think shows great skill.  I say seemingly insignificant because a little dog seems such a small and unlikely thing to act the leading part in a criminal’s judgment and suggested regeneration—­and yet all lovers of animals know what such a tie of affection may mean, especially to one who has no human friends—­and even while it works, the victim of Nemesis as the author says “is wholly unconscious of the irony of the situation.”

Apart from this I think the tale is exceedingly well told in good English and with the greatest possible economy of space.

Yours very truly,
Oliver Herford.

“Waiting,” by Helen R. Hull, stands first on the list of Grove E. Wilson, who thinks its handling of everyday characters, its simplicity of theme and its high artistry most nearly fulfil, among the stories of the year, his ideal of short story requirements.  Though admired as literature by the Committee, it seemed to one or two members to present a character study rather than a story.  Certainly, in no other work of the period have relations between a given mother and daughter been psychologized with greater deftness and skill.

Project Gutenberg
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.