O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921.

O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921.

Singmaster, Elsie, The Magic Mirror (Pictorial Review, November).

Springer, Fleta Campbell, The Mountain of Jehovah (Harper’s, March).

Tarkington, Booth, Jeannette (Red Book, May).

Titus, Harold, The Courage of Number Two (Metropolitan, June).

Train, Arthur, The Crooked Fairy (McCall’s, July).

Watson, Marion Elizabeth, Bottle Stoppers (Pictorial Review, June).

Wormser, G. Ranger, Gossamer (Pictorial Review, March).

The following stories are regarded the best of the year by the judges whose names are respectively indicated: 

1.  The Marriage in Kairwan, by Wilbur Daniel Steele (Harper’s,
   December).  Ethel Watts Mumford.

2.  A Life, by Wilbur Daniel Steele (Pictorial Review, August). 
   Edward J. Wheeler.

3.  Wisdom Buildeth Her House, by Donn Byrne (Century, December). 
   Blanche Colton Williams.

4.  Waiting, by Helen R. Hull (Touchstone, February).  Grove E.

5.  The Poppies of Wu Fong, by Lee Foster Hartman (Harper’s,
   November).  Frances Gilchrist Wood.

Out of the first list sixteen stories were requested for republication in this volume.  The significance of the third list lies in the fact that only one story was selected from it, the others meeting objections from the remainder of the Committee.

Since no first choice story won the prize, the Committee resorted, as in former years, to the point system, according to which the leader is “The Heart of Little Shikara,” by Edison Marshall.  To Mr. Marshall, therefore, goes the first prize of $500.  In like manner, the second prize, of $250, is awarded to “The Man Who Cursed the Lilies,” by Charles Tenney Jackson.

In discussing “A Life,” “The Marriage in Kairwan,” and “’Toinette of Maissonnoir,” all published by Wilbur Daniel Steele in 1921, in remarking upon the high merit of his brief fiction in other years, and in recalling that he alone is represented in the first three volumes of O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories, the Committee intimated the wish to express in some tangible fashion its appreciation of this author’s services to American fiction.  On the motion of Doctor Wheeler, therefore, the Committee voted to ask an appropriation from the Society of Arts and Sciences as a prize to be awarded on account of general excellence in the short story in 1919, 1920, and 1921.  This sum of $500 was granted by the Society, through the proper authorities, and is accordingly awarded to Wilbur Daniel Steele.

Project Gutenberg
O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.