Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Poetry.

Poetry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 40 pages of information about Poetry.
hand mere words, but thoughts expressed in language.  Call to mind the meaning of the Greek word which expresses this special prerogative of Man over the feeble intelligence of the lower animals.  It is called Logos.  What does Logos mean?  It stands both for reason and for speech, and it is difficult to say which means more properly.  It means both at once:  why?  Because really they cannot be divided....  When we can separate light and illumination, life and motion, the convex and the concave of a curve, then will it be possible for thought to tread speech under foot and to hope to do without it—­then will it be conceivable that the vigorous and fertile intellect should renounce its own double, its instrument of expression and the channel of its speculations and emotions.”  Words, in short, are the outward and visible signs of thought:  that, and something more—­since you may prove by experiment that the shortest and simplest train of thought cannot be followed unless at every step the mind silently casts it into the mould of words.

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As an instrument for reconciling Man’s inward harmony with the great outer harmony of the Universe, Poetry is notoriously imperfect.  Men have tried others therefore—­others that appeared at first sight more promising, such as Music and Mathematics—­yet on the whole to their disappointment.

Take Mathematics.  Numbers inhere in all harmony.  By numbers harmony can be expressed far more severely than by Poetry, and so successfully up to a point, that poets have borrowed the very word to dignify their poor efforts.  They “lisp in numbers”—­or so they say:  and the curious may turn to the Parmenides, to Book vii. of The Republic and others of the Dialogues and note how Plato, hunting on the trail of many distinguished predecessors, pursues Mathematics up to the point where, as a means of interpreting to Man the Universal harmony, Mathematics, like Philosophy, inevitably breaks down.  Mathematics, an abstract science, breaks down just because it is abstract and in no way personal:  because though it may calculate and time and even weigh parts of the greater Universe, it cannot, by defect of its nature, bring its discoveries back to bear on the other harmony of Man.  It is impersonal and therefore nescient of his need.  Though by such a science he gain the whole world, it shall not profit a man who misses from it his own soul.

Philosophy, too, fails us over this same crux of “personality”; not by ignoring it, but by clinging with obstinacy to the wrong end of the stick.  The quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry is notorious and inveterate:  and at ninety-nine points in the hundred Philosophy has the better of the dispute; as the Fox in the fable had ninety-nine ways of evading the hounds, against the Cat’s solitary one.  But the Cat could climb a tree.

Project Gutenberg
Poetry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.