The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson).

The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 380 pages of information about The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson).
Sufficient opportunities having been allowed me to draw from actual observation an estimate of your son’s character and abilities, I do not hesitate to express my opinion that he possesses, along with other and excellent natural endowments, a very uncommon share of genius.  Gentle and cheerful in his intercourse with others, playful and ready in conversation, he is capable of acquirements and knowledge far beyond his years, while his reason is so clear and so jealous of error, that he will not rest satisfied without a most exact solution of whatever appears to him obscure.  He has passed an excellent examination just now in mathematics, exhibiting at times an illustration of that love of precise argument, which seems to him natural.
I must not omit to set off against these great advantages one or two faults, of which the removal as soon as possible is desirable, tho’ I am prepared to find it a work of time.  As you are well aware, our young friend, while jealous of error, as I said above, where important faith or principles are concerned, is exceedingly lenient towards lesser frailties—­and, whether in reading aloud or metrical composition, frequently sets at nought the notions of Virgil or Ovid as to syllabic quantity.  He is moreover marvellously ingenious in replacing the ordinary inflexions of nouns and verbs, as detailed in our grammars, by more exact analogies, or convenient forms of his own devising.  This source of fault will in due time exhaust itself, though flowing freely at present....  You may fairly anticipate for him a bright career.  Allow me, before I close, one suggestion which assumes for itself the wisdom of experience and the sincerity of the best intention.  You must not entrust your son with a full knowledge of his superiority over other boys.  Let him discover this as he proceeds.  The love of excellence is far beyond the love of excelling; and if he should once be bewitched into a mere ambition to surpass others I need not urge that the very quality of his knowledge would be materially injured, and that his character would receive a stain of a more serious description still....

And again, when Charles was leaving Richmond, he wrote: 

    “Be assured that I shall always feel a peculiar interest in
    the gentle, intelligent, and well-conducted boy who is now
    leaving us.”

Although his father had been a Westminster boy, Charles was, for some reason or other, sent to Rugby.  The great Arnold, who had, one might almost say, created Rugby School, and who certainly had done more for it than all his predecessors put together, had gone to his rest, and for four years the reins of government had been in the firm hands of Dr. Tait, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury.  He was Headmaster during the whole of the time Charles was at Rugby, except the last year, during which Dr. Goulburn held that office.  Charles went up in February, 1846, and he must have found his new life a great change from

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The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.