Armenian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Armenian Literature.

Armenian Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Armenian Literature.

ALEXANDER [aside].  I have my sister to thank for all this, who dragged me into this house.

OSSEP [ironically].  Alexander, look for a dowry elsewhere, for I can no longer give my daughter one.

ALEXANDER [angry].  What, you deride me as well!  I don’t belong to your class, sir!

OSSEP.  And has it come to this!

ALEXANDER [taking his hat].  I have not acquired my present dignity to lose it through you.

OSSEP.  Ha! ha! ha!  His dignity!

ALEXANDER [coming near Nato].  I have loved you truly, Miss Nato, but I
must give you up.  I am not to blame for it.  Farewell.
                    [Goes to the door.

[Barssegh laughs for joy.

OSSEP [approaching Salome, who stands dismayed, takes her by the arm and points to the departing Alexander].  There goes your official!

NATO [standing at the left near the sofa].  Alexander!  Alexander! [Exit Alexander.] Dear Alexander.
                    [Sitting down on the sofa, begins to cry.

SALOME [in a low tone, striking her brow with both hands].  Why doesn’t the earth open and swallow me?

OSSEP [to Salome].  Now you are punished, are you not? [Turning to Barssegh:] Take it all, now!  Satisfy yourself! [Takes off his coat.] Take this also! [Throws it to Barssegh.] Yes, take it! [Takes his cap from the table and throws it to Barssegh.] Make off with this also; I need it no longer.
                    [Runs to and fro as if distracted.

BARSSEGH [in a low voice].  Keep on giving!
                    [Turns to sheriff and speaks softly to him.

OSSEP [taking up different articles from card table and throwing them on the floor].  Take these also!  Take these also! [Taking a lighted candelabra and smashing it on the floor] Stick that also down your throat!

SEVERAL OF THE GUESTS.  The poor fellow is losing his wits.
                    [Nato crying; her friends comfort her.  Salome faints.

CHACHO.  Ossep!  My dear Ossep!

GEWO [embracing Ossep].  Be calm, dear Ossep.  You behave like a madman.

OSSEP [after a pause].  Gewo, I was mad when I settled in this city. 
This life is too much for me; it was not for me.  I am ruined.  I am a
beggar.  He is to be praised who comes off better than I.

SALOME [with her hand on her brow sinks down on the sofa, groaning loudly].  Ah!

GEWO.  Poor Ossep!

BARSSEGH [turns from Dartscho, to whom he has been speaking, to the
].  What are you gazing around for, sir?  Keep on with your
                    [Sheriff looks at Barssegh in disgust, sits down by
                         card table and writes

Project Gutenberg
Armenian Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.