Tales of Three Hemispheres eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Tales of Three Hemispheres.

Tales of Three Hemispheres eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 94 pages of information about Tales of Three Hemispheres.

There followed between Peters and his second thoughts another long afternoon of bitter reproaches.  Why ever had he let go so thoughtlessly of a garment that so easily fetched a thousand pounds?  And the more he brooded on this the more clearly did he perceive that he had lost an unusual opportunity of a first class investment of a speculative kind.  He knew men perhaps better than he knew materials; and, though he could not see in that old brown coat the value of so much as a thousand pounds, he saw far more than that in the man’s eager need for it.  An afternoon of brooding over lost opportunities led to a night of remorse, and scarcely had day dawned when he ran to his sitting-room to see if he still had safe the card of Santiago.  And there was the neat and perfumed carte de visite with Santiago’s Parisian address in the corner.

That morning he sought him out, and found Santiago seated at a table with chemicals and magnifying glasses beside him examining, as it lay spread wide before him, the old brown coat.  And Peters fancied he wore a puzzled air.

They came at once to business.  Peters was rich and asked Santiago to name his price, and that small dark man admitted financial straits, and so was willing to sell for thirty thousand pounds.  A little bargaining followed, the price came down and the old brown coat changed hands once more, for twenty thousand pounds.

Let any who may be inclined to doubt my story understand that in the City, as any respectable company promoter will tell them, twenty thousand pounds is invested almost daily with less return for it than an old tail coat.  And, whatever doubts Mr. Peters felt that day about the wisdom of his investment, there before him lay that tangible return, that something that may be actually fingered and seen, which is so often denied to the investor in gold mines and other Selected Investments.  Yet as the days wore on and the old coat grew no younger, nor any more wonderful, nor the least useful, but more and more like an ordinary old coat, Peters began once more to doubt his astuteness.  Before the week was out his doubts had grown acute.  And then one morning, Santiago returned.  A man, he said, had just arrived from Spain, a friend unexpected all of a sudden in Paris, from whom he might borrow money:  and would Peters resell the coat for thirty thousand pounds?

It was then that Peters, seeing his opportunity, cast aside the pretence that he had maintained for so long of knowing something about the mysterious coat, and demanded to know its properties.  Santiago swore that he knew not, and repeatedly swore the same by many sacred names; but when Peters as often threatened not to sell, Santiago at last drew out a thin cigar and, lighting it and settling himself in a chair, told all he knew of the coat.

Project Gutenberg
Tales of Three Hemispheres from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.