The Albanian Alexander, George Castriot (Scanderbeg or Iscander beg, 1404-1467).
The Persian Alexander, Sandjar (1117-1158).
Alexander of the North, Charles XII. of Sweden (1682-1718).
Alexander deformed.
Ammon’s great son one shoulder had too high.
Pope, Prologue to the Satires, 117.
Alexander and Homer. When Alexander invaded Asia Minor, he offered up sacrifice to Priam, and then went to visit the tomb of Achilles. Here he exclaimed, “O most enviable of men, who had Homer to sing thy deeds!”
Which made the Eastern conqueror to cry,
“O fortunate young man! whose virtue
So brave a trump thy noble deeds to sound.”
Spenser, The Ruins of Time (1591).
Alexander and Parme’nio. When Darius, king of Persia, offered Alexander his daughter Stati’ra in marriage, with a dowry of 10,000 talents of gold, Parmenio said, “I would accept the offer, if I were Alexander.” To this Alexander rejoined, “So would I, if I were Parmenio.”
On another occasion the general thought the king somewhat too lavish in his gifts, whereupon Alexander made answer, “I consider not what Parmenio ought to receive, but what Alexander ought to give.”
Alexander and Perdiccas. When Alexander started for Asia he divided his possessions among his friends. Perdiccas asked what he had left for himself. “Hope,” said Alexander. “If hope is enough for Alexander,” replied the friend, “it is enough for Perdiccas also;” and declined to accept anything.
Alexander and Raphael. Alexander encountered Raphael in a cave in the mountain of Kaf, and being asked what he was in search of, replied, “The water of immortality.” Whereupon Raphael gave him a stone, and told him when he found another of the same weight he would gain his wish. “And how long,” said Alexander, “have I to live?” The angel replied, “Till the heaven above thee and the earth beneath thee are of iron.” Alexander now went forth and found a stone almost of the weight required, and in order to complete the balance, added a little earth; falling from his horse at Ghur he was laid in his armor on the ground, and his shield was set up over him to ward off the sun. Then understood he that he would gain immortality when, like the stone, he was buried in the earth, and that his hour was come, for the earth beneath him was iron, and his iron buckler was his vault of heaven above. So he died.
Alexander and the Robber. When Dion’ides, a pirate, was brought before Alexander, he exclaimed, “Vile brigand! How dare you infest the seas with your misdeeds?” “And you,” replied the pirate, “by what right do you ravage the world? Because I have only one ship, I am called a brigand, but you who have a whole fleet are termed a conqueror.” Alexander admired the man’s boldness, and commanded him to be set at liberty.