The Trade Union Woman eBook

Alice Henry
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 328 pages of information about The Trade Union Woman.

The Trade Union Woman eBook

Alice Henry
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 328 pages of information about The Trade Union Woman.

Quick, Nelle
Quimby, Mrs. C.N.M.

Revolution, The
Rickert, T.A. 
Robins, Mrs. Raymond quoted
Rodgers, Mrs. George
Roman, F.W., quoted
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rumsey, Thomas
Russell Sage Foundation

Samuels, Adelaide
San Francisco earthquake
San Francisco Examiner
Schneidermann, Rose
Schreiner, Olive
Scott, Melinda
Secretary for Labor
Sewing machine introduced
Sewing trades, early conditions in war orders for
  See also Huge strikes
Shedden, John
Shute, Mrs. Lizzie H.
Simpson, James
Sinclair, Upton
Slavery, family and group
Smith, Mrs. Charlotte
Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes
Smith-Lever Act
Snowden, Mrs. Philip
Snowden, Philip
Social advance
Socialism, and economic independence and socialists
Sorel, George
Southern mountain women
Specialization and economy
  in home industries
  in house-cleaning
Specialization, trade and professional, compared
Speeding up
Spencer, Anna Garlin, quoted
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Steghagen, Emma
Stevens, Alzina P.
Stevens, George, quoted
Stewart, Mrs. Levi
Stirling, Mary
Stone, Huldah J.
Stone, Lucy
Strasser, President
Strike, American girl strikebreakers in general
  Marx & Haas
  of Danbury Hatters
  of Fall River weavers
  of laundry-workers, (S.F.) (Troy)
  of packing-plant employes
  of printers
  work, after
  See also Huge strikes. 
Sumner, Helen L.
Survey, The, quoted
Sutter, Maud
Symphony orchestras

Thomas, W. L, quoted
Topp, Mr.
Trade agreement
  a typical
  Hart, Schaffner and Marx
Trade unions, aims of, xx
  and factory inspection
  and standard of living
  and women members
  as training schools
  conservative and radical compared
  city federations of
  craft form of
  dues of
  exclusiveness of
  federation of
  in other fields
  industrial form of
  interstate cooeperation of women of
  juvenile union
  locals of women’s, best training school
  one big union
  outside support for
  relations between labor bodies
  reorganization of
  women membership of
    supported by labor men

United States Agricultural Department
United States Agricultural Department, and immigration
  census of, occupations under
  industrial development of
  See also Investigations
United Tailoresses’ Society
University of Chicago

Valesh, Eva McDonald
Van Etten, Ida
Vassar College
Vincent, John J.
Vocational education, and the immigrant
  as part of public system
  A.F. of L. on
  co-education only solution of
  Commercial Club of Chicago, on
  domestic economy
  ideal plan for
  in Germany
  original form of
  tendencies of experts
  women’s share in, inadequate
Voice of Industry
Vote, the

Project Gutenberg
The Trade Union Woman from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.