Russell H. Conwell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Russell H. Conwell.

Russell H. Conwell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Russell H. Conwell.

It is one of the most important organizations of the church and has its own rooms handsomely furnished and well supplied with reading matter.

The Business Men’s Union drew into a close band the business men of the church and used their knowledge of business affairs to plan and carry out various projects for raising money for the building fund.  They also took a deep personal interest in each other’s welfare as is shown by the following incident, taken from the “Philadelphia Press”: 

“At one time a member became involved in financial difficulties in a very peculiar way.  Previous to connecting himself with the church, he had been engaged in a business which he felt he could not conscientiously continue after his conversion.  He sold his interest and entered upon mercantile pursuits with which he was unfamiliar.  As a result, he became involved and his establishment was in danger of falling into the sheriff’s hands.

“His situation became known to some members of the Business Men’s Union, and a committee was appointed to look into his affairs.  His books were found to be straight and his stock valuable.  The members immediately subscribed the thousands of dollars necessary to relieve him of all embarrassment, and the man was saved.”

After the building was completed and the imperative need for such an organization was past, the members joined other organizations needing their help, and it disbanded.  It is typical of the elastic methods of Grace Church that no society outlives its usefulness.  When the need is past for it as a body, the members look elsewhere for work, and wherever each is needed, there he goes heart and soul to further some other endeavor.

The Young Women’s Association is composed of young women of the church.  It bubbles over with youthful enthusiasm and energy and is one of the strongest agencies for carrying forward the church work.  Its creed is: 

    “Secure new members.

    “Attend the meetings, propose new work, urge on neglected duties.

    “Help the prayer meetings.

    “Volunteer for social meetings.

    “Aid in the entertainments.

    “Originate plans for Christian benevolent work.

    “Welcome young women to the Church.

    “Visit the sick members of the Church.

    “Seek after and encourage inquirers.

    “Hold household devotional meetings.

    “Sustain missionary work for young women.

    “Make the Church home cheerful and happy.

    “Arrange social home gatherings for various church or charitable

    “Solicit books or periodicals for the reading room or circulating

    “Secure employment for the needy.

    “Treat all visitors to the rooms as special personal guests in
    your home.

    “Undertake large things for the Church and Christ in many ways, as
    may be suggested by any new conditions and deeds.

Project Gutenberg
Russell H. Conwell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.