French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France.

French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France.
that none should carry off his child, he caused it to be proclaimed, both far and near, by script and trumpet, that he alone should wed the maid, who would bear her in his arms, to the pinnacle of the great and perilous mountain, and that without rest or stay.  When this news was noised about the country, many came upon the quest.  But strive as they would they might not enforce themselves more than they were able.  However mighty they were of body, at the last they failed upon the mountain, and fell with their burthen to the ground.  Thus, for a while, was none so bold as to seek the high Princess.

Now in this country lived a squire, son to a certain count of that realm, seemly of semblance and courteous, and right desirous to win that prize, which was so coveted of all.  He was a welcome guest at the Court, and the King talked with him very willingly.  This squire had set his heart upon the daughter of the King, and many a time spoke in her ear, praying her to give him again the love he had bestowed upon her.  So seeing him brave and courteous, she esteemed him for the gifts which gained him the favour of the King, and they loved together in their youth.  But they hid this matter from all about the Court.  This thing was very grievous to them, but the damoiseau thought within himself that it were good to bear the pains he knew, rather than to seek out others that might prove sharper still.  Yet in the end, altogether distraught by love, this prudent varlet sought his friend, and showed her his case, saying that he urgently required of her that she would flee with him, for no longer could he endure the weariness of his days.  Should he ask her of the King, well he knew that by reason of his love he would refuse the gift, save he bore her in his arms up the steep mount.  Then the maiden made answer to her lover, and said,

“Fair friend, well I know you may not carry me to that high place.  Moreover should we take to flight, my father would suffer wrath and sorrow beyond measure, and go heavily all his days.  Certainly my love is too fond to plague him thus, and we must seek another counsel, for this is not to my heart.  Hearken well.  I have kindred in Salerno, of rich estate.  For more than thirty years my aunt has studied there the art of medicine, and knows the secret gift of every root and herb.  If you hasten to her, bearing letters from me, and show her your adventure, certainly she will find counsel and cure.  Doubt not that she will discover some cunning simple, that will strengthen your body, as well as comfort your heart.  Then return to this realm with your potion, and ask me at my father’s hand.  He will deem you but a stripling, and set forth the terms of his bargain, that to him alone shall I be given who knows how to climb the perilous mountain, without pause or rest, bearing his lady between his arms.”

Project Gutenberg
French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.