The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861.
took the management out of his junior’s hands conveyed to the jury, (a common jury,) the belief that things were now to be managed in quite different and vastly better style.  And have you not known such a thing as that a family, not a whit better, wealthier, or more respectable than all the rest in the little country town or the country parish, do yet, by carrying their heads higher, (no mortal could say why,) gradually elbow themselves into a place of admitted social superiority?  Everybody knows exactly what they are, and from what they have sprung; but somehow, by resolute assumption, by a quiet air of being better than their neighbors, they draw ahead of them, and attain the glorious advantage of one step higher on the delicately graduated social ladder of the district.  Now it is manifest, that, if such people had sense to see their true position, and the absurdity of their pretensions, they would assuredly not have gained that advantage, whatever it may be worth.

But sense and feeling are sometimes burdens in the race of life; that is, they sometimes hold a man back from grasping material advantages which he might have grasped, had he not been prevented by the possession of a certain measure of common sense and right feeling.  I doubt not, my friend, that you have acquaintances who can do things which you could not do for your life, and who by doing these things push their way in life.  They ask for what they want, and never let a chance go by them.  And though they may meet many rebuffs, they sometimes make a successful venture.  Impudence sometimes attains to a pitch of sublimity; and at that point it has produced a very great impression upon many men.  The incapable person who started for a professorship has sometimes got it.  The man who, amid the derision of the county, published his address to the electors, has occasionally got into the House of Commons.  The vulgar half-educated preacher, who without any introduction asked a patron for a vacant living in the Church, has now and then got the living.  And however unfit you may be for a place, and however discreditable may have been the means by which you got it, once you have actually held it for two or three years people come to acquiesce in your holding it.  They accept the fact that you are there, just as we accept the fact that any other evil exists in this world, without asking why, except on very special occasions.  I believe, too, that, in the matter of worldly preferment, there is too much fatalism in many good men.  They have a vague trust that Providence will do more than it has promised.  They are ready to think, that, if it is God’s will that they are to gain such a prize, it will be sure to come their way without their pushing.  That is a mistake.  Suppose you apply the same reasoning to your dinner.  Suppose you sit still in your study and say, “If I am to have dinner to-day, it will come without effort of mine; and if I am not to have dinner to-day, it will not come by any effort of mine; so here I sit

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 49, November, 1861 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.