The Red Rover eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 600 pages of information about The Red Rover.

The Red Rover eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 600 pages of information about The Red Rover.

“Avast, ye villains!” he hotly exclaimed, prudence and moderation losing their influence, under the excitement of scornful anger; “ye cut-throat, lubberly villains!  That ye are villains, is to be proved, in your teeth, by your getting your sailing orders from the devil; and that ye are lubbers, any man may see by the fashion in which ye have rove this cord about my throat.  A fine jam will ye make with a turn in your whip!  But ye’ll all come to know how a man is to be decently hanged, ye rogues, ye will.  Ye’ll all come honestly by the knowledge, in your day, ye will!”

“Clear the turn, and run him up!” shouted one, two, three voices, in rapid succession; “a clear whip, and a swift run to heaven!”

Happily a fresh burst of riotous clamour, from one of the hatchways, interrupted the intention; and then was heard the cry of,—–­

“A priest! a priest!  Pipe the rogues to prayers, before they take their dance on nothing!”

The ferocious laughter with which the freebooters received this sneering proposal, was hushed as suddenly as though One answered to their mockery, from that mercy-seat whose power they so sacrilegiously braved, when a deep, menacing voice was heard in their midst, saying,—­

“By heaven, if touch, or look, be laid too boldly on a prisoner in this ship, he who offends had better beg the fate ye give these miserable men, than meet my anger.  Stand off, I bid you, and let the chaplain approach!”

Every bold hand was instantly withdrawn, and each profane lip was closed in trembling silence, giving the terrified and horror-stricken subject of their liberties room and opportunity to advance to the scene of punishment.

“See,” said the Rover, in calmer but still deeply authoritative tones; “you are a minister of God, and your office is sacred charity:  If you have aught to smooth the dying moment to fellow mortal, haste to impart it!”

“In what have these offended?” demanded the divine, when power was given to speak.

“No matter; it is enough that their hour is near.  If you would lift your voice in prayer, fear nothing.  The unusual sounds shall be welcome even here.  Ay, and these miscreants, who so boldly surround you, shall kneel, and be mute, as beings whose souls are touched by the holy rite.  Scoffers shall be dumb, and unbelievers respectful, at my beck.—­Speak freely!”

“Scourge of the seas!” commenced the chaplain, across whose pallid features a flash of holy excitement had cast its glow, “remorseless violator of the laws of man! audacious contemner of the mandates of your God! a fearful retribution shall avenge this crime.  Is it not enough that you have this day consigned so many to a sudden end, but your vengeance must be glutted with more blood?  Beware the hour when these things shall be visited, in almighty power on your own devoted head!”

“Look!” said the Rover, smiling, but with an expression that was haggard, in spite of the unnatural exultation that struggled about his quivering lip, “here are the evidences of the manner in which Heaven protects the right!”

Project Gutenberg
The Red Rover from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.