The Sky Line of Spruce eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Sky Line of Spruce.

The Sky Line of Spruce eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Sky Line of Spruce.

“Good heavens, Ez?  Have you forgotten we’ve got to get supplies?  And your brother’s gun—­and his dog?”

“How do you know he’s got a dog?”

“He said a pup, didn’t he?  But it may be an elephant for all I know.  Of course, we’ve got to go on in.”

“Yes, I know—­one of us has.  But, Ben, it seems to me that one of us ought to strike off now and figure out the way and sort of get located.  One of us could take a little food and a couple of blankets and make it through in less than a day.  Half a day, almost.  Then we could have the cabin all ready, and everything laid out for to begin work.  He could blaze any dim spots in the trail and save time for the other feller, comin’ with the horses.”

“Oh, it would be all right,” Ben began rather doubtfully.  “I don’t see that much is to be gained by it.  But I’ll strike off on foot, if you want me to.”

Ezram’s mind was flashing with thoughts like lightning, and his answer was ready.  “Ben, if you don’t mind, I’ll do that,” he said.  “I can get along without gazin’ at the sky-scrapers of Snowy Gulch, and to tell the truth, that twelve miles of extra walkin’ don’t appeal to me one bit.  I’d as soon have you tend to all the things in town.”

“But you’d get a ride, if you waited—­”

“I hate a horse, anyway—­”

“You’ve surely changed a lot since the war.”

“I was thrown off not long ago—­and have been leery of the dum things ever since.  I’d walk, sooner than ride, even if I did have a horse.  So you roll me that big Hudson Bay blanket and give me a couple of day’s rations.  I’ll make a pack for my back that I can’t feel.  Then you strike off into town.”

Without especial enthusiasm Ben agreed.  Ezram gave a great sigh of satisfaction.  He had put through the deal:  Ben’s secret thought was that Ezram’s curiosity—­always a pronounced trait with the old—­had mastered him, and he could not wait longer to explore the mine.  Not one glimpse of the truth as to Ezram’s real reason for desiring to push on alone as much as occurred to him.

Ezram was wholly deliberate.  He knew what waited him on arrival at his brother’s claim.  Jeffery Neilson and his gang had assembled there, had already jumped the claim just as his brother had warned him that they would do; and coolly and quietly he had resolved to face them alone.  They were desperate men, not likely to be driven from the gold by threats or persuasion only.  But there was no law in his life, no precept in his code, whereby he could subject his young partner to the risk.

It was true that the desire to arrive on the scene at the earliest possible moment had been a factor in his decision.  One of them could hurry on, unimpeded by the pack animals, and the other must linger to secure their supplies; and there could really be no question, in Ezram’s mind, which should go and which should stay.  He had known perfectly that if Ben had realized the true need for haste, he would never have submitted so tamely to Ezram’s will.  The old man knew Wolf Darby.  The strong dark eyes in the lean, raw-boned face reassured him as to this knowledge.  Ben would go too, if he knew the truth.  Likely he would insist on going alone.

Project Gutenberg
The Sky Line of Spruce from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.