D (Fig. 1), attracting the armature, and drawing the
disk forward sufficiently for the roller at I to pass
over the center of one of the pins, and so drop in
between that and the next pin, thus completing the
motion, and holding the disk steadily opposite the
figure. This action takes place on any meter
completing a unit of measurement of (say) 1,000 cubic
feet, at which point the contact makers touch.
But suppose one meter should be moving very slowly,
and so retaining contact for some time, while other
meters were working rapidly; the armature at D would
then be held up to the magnet by the prolonged contact
maintained by the slow moving meter, and so prevent
the quick working meters from actuating it; and they
would therefore pass the contact points without recording.
A meter might also stop dead at the point of contact
on shutting off the air, and so hold up the armature;
thus preventing others from acting. To obviate
this, we apply the disengaging apparatus shown at
L (Fig. 4). The contact maker works on the center,
m, having an armature on its opposite end. On
contact being made, at the same time that the magnet,
D, is operated, the one at L is also operated, attracting
the armature, and throwing over the end of the contact
maker, l, on to the non-conducting side of the pin
on the disk. Thus the whole movement is rendered
practically instantaneous, and the magnet at D is
set at liberty for the next operation. A resistance
can be interposed at L, if necessary, to regulate
the period of the operation. The whole of the
meters work the common dial shown in Fig. 1, on which
the gross results only are recorded; and this is all
we want to know in this way. The action is so
rapid, owing to the use of the magnetic disengaging
gear, that the chances of two or more meters making
contact at the same moment are rendered extremely
small. Should such a thing happen, it would not
matter, as it is only approximate results that we require
in this case; and the error, if any, would add to
the apparent amount of leakage, and so be on the right
side. Of course, the record of each consumer’s
meter would be taken by the inspector at the end of
every quarter, in order to make out the bill; and
the totals thus obtained would be checked by the gross
results indicated by the main dial. In this way,
by a comparison of these results, a coefficient would
soon be arrived at, by which the daily recorded results
could be corrected to an extremely accurate measurement.
At the end of the working day, the engineer has merely
to take down from the dial in his office the total
record of air measured to the consumers, also the output
of air from the compressors, which he ascertains by
means of a continuous counter on the engines, and
the difference between the two will represent the loss.
If the loss is trifling, he will pass it over; if
serious, he will send out his inspectors to trace
it. Thus there could be no long continued leakage,
misuse, or robbery of the air, without the company
becoming aware of the fact, and so being enabled to
take measures to stop or prevent it. The foregoing
are absolutely essential adjuncts to any scheme of
public motive power supply by compressed air, without
which we should be working in the dark, and could
never be sure whether the company were losing or making
money. With them, we know where we are and what
we are doing.