Autobiographical Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Autobiographical Sketches.

Autobiographical Sketches eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Autobiographical Sketches.

The first work done by Mr. Bradlaugh on resuming the editorial chair of the National Reformer, was to indite a vigorous protest against the investment of national capital in the Suez Canal Shares.  He exposed the financial condition of Egypt, gave detail after detail of the Khedive’s indebtedness, unveiled the rottenness of the Egyptian Government, warned the people of the danger of taking the first steps in a path which must lead to continual interference in Egyptian finance, denounced the shameful job perpetrated by Mr. Disraeli in borrowing the money for the purchase from the Rothschilds at enormous interest.  His protest was, of course, useless, but its justice has been proved by the course of events.  The bombarding of Alexandria, the shameful repression of the national movement in Egypt, the wholesale and useless slaughter in the Soudan, the waste of English lives and English money, the new burden of debt and of responsibility now assumed by the Government, all these are the results of the fatal purchase of shares in the Suez Canal by Mr. Disraeli; yet against the chorus of praise which resounded from every side when the purchase was announced, but one voice of disapproval and of warning was raised at first; others soon caught the warning and saw the dangers it pointed out, but for awhile Charles Bradlaugh stood alone in his opposition, and to him belongs the credit of at once seeing the peril which lay under the purchase.

The 1876 Conference of the National Secular Society held at Leeds showed the growing power of the organisation, and was made notable by a very pleasant incident—­the presentation to a miner, William Washington, of a silver tea-pot and some books, in recognition of a very noble act of self-devotion.  An explosion had occurred on December 6th, 1875, at Swaithe Main pit, in which 143 miners were killed; a miner belonging to a neighboring pit, named William Washington, an Atheist, when every one was hanging back, sprang into the cage to descend into the pit in forlorn hope of rescue, when to descend seemed almost certain death.  Others swiftly followed the gallant volunteer, but he had set the example, and it was felt by the Executive of the National Secular Society that his heroism deserved recognition, William Washington set his face against any gift to himself, so the subscription to a testimonial was limited to 6d., and a silver teapot was presented to him for his wife and some books for his children.  At this same Conference a committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Charles Bradlaugh, G.J.  Holyoake, C. Watts, R.A.  Cooper,—­Gimson, T. Slater, and Mrs. Besant, to draw up a fresh statement of the principles and objects of the National Secular Society; it was decided that this statement should be submitted to the ensuing Conference, that the deliberation on the report of the Committee should “be open to all Freethinkers, but that only those will be entitled to vote on the ratification who declare their determination

Project Gutenberg
Autobiographical Sketches from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.