Blank. | | |
(Possibly remained in Bethany; the alabaster box of ointment.)
| | |
Thursday. |
Thursday. |
Thursday. |
| | |
Preparation of | Same as Matt. | Same as Matt. | Discourses with
Passover. Eating | | | disciples, but
of Passover, | | |
before the
and institution | | | Passover. Washes
of the Holy Eu- | | | the disciples’
charist. Gesthse- | | | feet. Nothing said
mane. Betrayal | | | of Holy Eucharist,
by Judas. Led | | | nor of agony in
captive to Caia- | | | Gethsemane.
phas. Denied by | | | Malchus’ ear.
St. Peter. | | | Led captive to
| | | Annas first. Then
| | | to Caiaphas. Denied
| | | by St. Peter.
| | |
Friday. |
Friday. |
Friday. |
| | |
Led to Pilate. | As Matthew, | Led to Pilate. | Taken to Pilate.
Judas hangs | but hour of | Sent to Herod. | Jews would not
himself. Tried. | crucifixion | Sent back to | enter, that they
Condemned to | given, 9 a.m. | Pilate. Rest as | might eat the
death. Scourged | | in Matthew; but | Passover.
and mocked. | |
one male- | Scourged by Pi-Led to cruci- | | factor repents. | late before con-fixion. Darkness | | | demnation, and
from 12 to 3. | | | mocked. Shown by
Died at 3. | | | Pilate to Jews
| | | at 12.
At this point I broke down. I had been getting
more and more uneasy and distressed as I went on,
but when I found that the Jews would not go into the
judgment hall lest they should be defiled, because
they desired to eat the passover, having previously
seen that Jesus had actually eaten the passover with
his disciples the evening before; when after writing
down that he was crucified at 9 a.m., and that there
was darkness over all the land from 12 to 3 p.m.,
I found that three hours after he was crucified he
was standing in the judgment hall, and that at the
very hour at which the miraculous darkness covered
the earth; when I saw that I was writing a discord
instead of a harmony, I threw down my pen and shut
up my Bible. The shock of doubt was, however
only momentary. I quickly recognised it as a