extinct species of stag and bull, even tapirs and
other wild animals. About 50,000 B.C. there lived
by these lakes a hunting people whose stone implements
(and a few of bone) have been found in many places.
The implements are comparable in type with the palaeolithic
implements of Europe (Mousterian type, and more rarely
Aurignacian or even Magdalenian). They are not,
however, exactly like the European implements, but
have a character of their own. We do not yet know
what the men of these communities looked like, because
as yet no indisputable human remains have been found.
All the stone implements have been found on the surface,
where they have been brought to light by the wind as
it swept away the loess. These stone-age communities
seem to have lasted a considerable time and to have
been spread not only over North China but over Mongolia
and Manchuria. It must not be assumed that the
stone age came to an end at the same time everywhere.
Historical accounts have recorded, for instance, that
stone implements were still in use in Manchuria and
eastern Mongolia at a time when metal was known and
used in western Mongolia and northern China.
Our knowledge about the palaeolithic period of Central
and South China is still extremely limited; we have
to wait for more excavations before anything can be
said. Certainly, many implements in this area
were made of wood or more probably bamboo, such as
we still find among the non-Chinese tribes of the
south-west and of South-East Asia. Such implements,
naturally, could not last until today.
About 25,000 B.C. there appears in North China a new
human type, found in upper layers in the same caves
that sheltered Peking Man. This type is beyond
doubt not Mongoloid, and may have been allied to the
Ainu, a non-Mongol race still living in northern Japan.
These, too, were a palaeolithic people, though some
of their implements show technical advance. Later
they disappear, probably because they were absorbed
into various populations of central and northern Asia.
Remains of them have been found in badly explored
graves in northern Korea.
4 The Neolithic age
In the period that now followed, northern China must
have gradually become arid, and the formation of loess
seems to have steadily advanced. There is once
more a great gap in our knowledge until, about 4000
B.C., we can trace in North China a purely Mongoloid
people with a neolithic culture. In place of
hunters we find cattle breeders, who are even to some
extent agriculturists as well. This may seem an
astonishing statement for so early an age. It
is a fact, however, that pure pastoral nomadism is
exceptional, that normal pastoral nomads have always
added a little farming to their cattle-breeding, in
order to secure the needed additional food and above
all fodder, for the winter.