The Fern Lover's Companion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Fern Lover's Companion.

The Fern Lover's Companion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about The Fern Lover's Companion.


1.  Sori on the edge of a pinnule terminating a vein; sporangia at the base of a long, bristle-like receptacle surrounded by a cup-shaped indusium.

Filmy Fern. Trichomanes.


2.  Indusium formed by the reflexed margin of the pinnules.

(1) Sporangia on a continuous line; fronds large, ternate; indusium narrow.  Bracken.  Brake. Pteris.


(2) Sporangia in oblong sori under a reflexed tooth of a pinnule; indusium broad; rachis dark and shining.  Maidenhair. Adiantum.


(3) Sori in roundish or elongated masses.

Indusium broad, nearly continuous, fronds mostly smooth, somewhat leathery, pinnate.  Rock species.  Cliff brakes. Pellaea.


Indusium narrow, seldom continuous, formed by the margin of separate lobes or of the whole pinnules; often inconspicuous, fronds usually hairy.  Lip Ferns. Cheilanthes.


Indusium of the reflexed edges, at first reaching to the midrib, or nearly so; later opening out nearly flat; fruiting pinnules pod-like; sterile fronds broad.  Rock brakes. Cryptogramma.


3.  Indusium never formed of the margin of the frond.  Sori various.

(1) Fruit-dots oblong, parallel with the midrib, somewhat sunken in the tissues of the frond.  Water-loving species.  Chain Ferns. Woodwardia.


(2) Fruit-dots and indusium roundish.

Indusium shield-shaped, fixed by the center.  Evergreen glossy ferns in rocky woods.  Shield Ferns. Polystichum.


Indusium cordate, fixed by the sinus.  Wood Ferns. Aspidium.


Indusium hood-shaped, fixed centrally behind the sorus and arching over it, soon withering, often illusive.  Fronds two to three pinnate, very graceful.  Moisture-loving species.  Bladder Ferns. Cystopteris.


Indusium star-shaped, of a few irregular segments fixed beneath the sorus, often obscure.  Mostly small, rock-loving plants, usually rather chaffy, at least at the base, and growing in tufts. Woodsia.


Indusium cup-shaped, fixed beneath the sorus, supported by the tooth of a leaf; sporangia borne in an elevated, globular receptacle open at the top.  Fronds finely cut.  Hayscented Fern. Dennstaedtia.


(3) Fruit-dots and indusium linear. (But see Athyrium.)

Very long, nearly at right angles to the midrib, double; blade thick oblong-lanceolate, entire; heart-shaped at the base.  Hart’s Tongue. Scolopendrium.


Shorter and irregularly scattered on the under side of the frond, some parallel to the midrib, others oblique to it, and often in pairs or joined at the ends; blade tapering to a slender tip.  Walking Fern. Camptosorus.

Project Gutenberg
The Fern Lover's Companion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.