Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6.

Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 376 pages of information about Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6.

However ungenerous an appearance what I am going to say may have from my pen, let me tell thee, that if such a woman as Miss Harlowe chose to enter into the matrimonial state, [I am resolved to disappoint thee in thy meditated triumph over my rage and despair!] and, according to the old patriarchal system, to go on contributing to get sons and daughters, with no other view than to bring them up piously, and to be good and useful members of the commonwealth, what a devil had she to do, to let her fancy run a gadding after a rake? one whom she knew to be a rake?

Oh! but truly she hoped to have the merit of reclaiming him.  She had formed pretty notions how charming it would look to have a penitent of her own making dangling at her side at church, through an applauding neighbourhood:  and, as their family increased, marching with her thither, at the head of their boys and girls, processionally, as it were, boasting of the fruits of their honest desires, as my good lord bishop has it in his license.  And then, what a comely sight, all kneeling down together in one pew, according to eldership as we have seen in effigy, a whole family upon some old monument, where the honest chevalier in armour is presented kneeling, with up-lifted hands, and half a dozen jolter-headed crop-eared boys behind him, ranged gradatim, or step-fashion according to age and size, all in the same posture—­facing his pious dame, with a ruff about her neck, and as many whey-faced girls all kneeling behind her:  an altar between them, and an open book upon it:  over their heads semiluminary rays darting from gilded clouds, surrounding an achievement-motto, in COELO Salus—­or QUIES—­perhaps, if they have happened to live the usual married life of brawl and contradiction.

It is certainly as much my misfortune to have fallen in with Miss Clarissa Harlowe, were I to have valued my reputation or ease, as it is that of Miss Harlowe to have been acquainted with me.  And, after all, what have I done more than prosecute the maxim, by which thou and I and every rake are governed, and which, before I knew this lady, we have pursued from pretty girl to pretty girl, as fast as we have set one down, taking another up;—­just as the fellows do with their flying coaches and flying horses at a country fair——­with a Who rides next!  Who rides next!

But here in the present case, to carry on the volant metaphor, (for I must either be merry, or mad,) is a pretty little miss just come out of her hanging-sleeve-coat, brought to buy a pretty little fairing; for the world, Jack, is but a great fair, thou knowest; and, to give thee serious reflection for serious, all its joys but tinselled hobby-horses, gilt gingerbread, squeaking trumpets, painted drums, and so forth.

Project Gutenberg
Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.