Jimgrim and Allah's Peace eBook

Talbot Mundy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Jimgrim and Allah's Peace.

Jimgrim and Allah's Peace eBook

Talbot Mundy
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Jimgrim and Allah's Peace.

I nodded, and the man from Hebron walked away without another word.

“Did he steal your watch?” asked Ahmed.  They are as jealous as children, those Arabs.

There was a second execution while I walked back through the city.  A wide-eyed, panic-stricken poor devil with slobber on his jaws came tearing down-street with a mob at his heels.  We stepped into an alley to let the race go by, but he doubled down the alley opposite.  Before he had run twenty yards along it some one hit the back of his head with a piece of rock.  A second later they had pounced on him, and in less than a minute after that he was kicking in the noose of a hide rope slung over a house-beam.  I don’t know what they hanged him for.  No one apparently knew.  But they used his carcase for a target and shot it almost to pieces.

I kept on looking for Grim, although the task seemed hopeless.  Of course, I could not give a hint of my real purpose.  But as Grim knew that the talk about a school-teacher was my passport to the place, it seemed possible that he might use that as an excuse for getting in touch with me.  So I told Ahmed to show me the schools.

They weren’t worth looking at—­mere tumble-down sheds in which Moslem boys were taught to say the Koran by heart.  The places where Christian missionaries once had been were all turned into stores, and even into stables for the horses of the notables.

So I returned to ben Nazir’s house, and found old Sheikh Anazeh sitting outside on the step, as motionless as a tobacco-store Indian but twice as picturesque.  He still had his own rifle over his knees, and the plundered one slung over his shoulder by a strap; he never stirred abroad unarmed.

I asked him what the conference of notables was going to be about, and he told me to mind my own business.  That struck me as an excellent idea, so, not having slept at all the previous night, I went upstairs and lay on the bed.  There was no lock on the door, so I set the chair against it.

Ben Nazir was a man who had traveled a great deal, and picked up western notions of hospitality to add to the inborn eastern sense of sacredness in the relation between host and guest.  It seems that an hour or two later he came to take me down to a Gargantuan meal, but, feeling the chair against the door, and hearing snores, he decided it was better manners to let me lie in peace.

So I did not wake up again until after midnight.  The moonlight was streaming through a little high-perched window, and fell on the white-robed, ghostly-looking figure of a man, who sat with crossed legs on the end of the bed.  I thought I was dead and in hell.

That is no picturesque exaggeration about a man’s hair standing when he is terrified.  It really does.  I would have yelled aloud, if the breath would have come, but there is a trick of sudden fear that seems to grip your lungs and hold them impotent.  The thing on the end of the bed had no eye-brows.  It grinned as if it knew all about evil, and were hungry, and living men were its food.

Project Gutenberg
Jimgrim and Allah's Peace from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.