History of Liberia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about History of Liberia.

History of Liberia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about History of Liberia.
to the colonists.  When the Prince Regent sailed, Midshipman Gordon, with eleven British sailors volunteered to remain, to assist the exhausted colonists and guarantee the truce.  His generosity met an ill requital; within a month he had fallen victim to the climate with eight of the brave seamen.  Supplies were again running low, when March brought the welcome arrival of the U.S. ship Cyane.  Captain R.T.  Spence at once turned his whole force to improving the condition of the colonists.  Buildings were erected, the dismantled colonial schooner was raised and made sea-worthy, and many invaluable services were rendered, until at length a severe outbreak of the fever among the crew compelled the vessel’s withdrawal.  It was too late, however, to prevent the loss of forty lives, including the lieutenant, Richard Dashiell, and the surgeon, Dr. Dix.

On the 24th of May, 1823, the brig Oswego arrived with sixty-one new emigrants and a liberal supply of stores and tools, in charge of Dr. Ayres, who, already the representative of the Society, had now been appointed Government Agent and Surgeon.  One of the first measures of the new agent was to have the town surveyed and lots distributed among the whole body of colonists.  Many of the older settlers found themselves dispossessed of the holdings improved by their labor, and the colony was soon in a ferment of excitement and insurrection.  Dr. Ayres, finding his health failing, judiciously betook himself to the United States.

The arrival of the agent had placed Mr. Ashmun in a false position of the most mortifying character.  It will be remembered that in sympathy for the distress of the colony he had assumed the position of agent without authority.  In the dire necessity of subsequent events he had been compelled to purchase supplies and ammunition in the Society’s name.  He now found, himself superseded in authority, his services and self-sacrifice unappreciated, his drafts[9] dishonored, his motives distrusted.  Nothing could show more strongly his devotion and self-abnegation than his action in the present crisis.  Seeing the colony again deserted by the agent and in a state of discontent and confusion, he forgot his wrongs and remained at the helm.  Order was soon restored but the seeds of insubordination remained.  The arrival of 103 emigrants from Virginia on the Cyrus, in February 1824, added to the difficulty, as the stock of food was so low that the whole colony had to be put on half rations.  This necessary measure was regarded by the disaffected as an act of tyranny on Ashmun’s part; and when shortly after the complete prostration of his health compelled him to withdraw to the Cape De Verde Islands, the malcontents sent home letters charging him with all sorts of abuse of power, and finally with desertion of his post!  The Society in consternation applied to Government for an expedition of investigation, and the Rev. R.R.  Gurley, Secretary of the Society, and an enthusiastic advocate of colonization

Project Gutenberg
History of Liberia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.