Germany and the Next War eBook

Friedrich von Bernhardi
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Germany and the Next War.

Germany and the Next War eBook

Friedrich von Bernhardi
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 339 pages of information about Germany and the Next War.

We must use the respite we still enjoy for the most energetic warlike preparation, according to the principles which I have already laid down.  All national parties must rally round the Government, which has to represent our dearest interests abroad.  The willing devotion of the people must aid it in its bold determination and help to pave the way to military and political success, without carrying still further the disastrous consequences of the Morocco policy by unfruitful and frequently unjustified criticism and by thus widening the gulf between Government and people.  We may expect from the Government that it will prosecute the military and political preparation for war with the energy which the situation demands, in clear knowledge of the dangers threatening us, but also, in correct appreciation of our national needs and of the warlike strength of our people, and that it will not let any conventional scruples distract it from this object.

Repeal of the Five Years Act, reconstruction of the army on an enlarged basis, accelerated progress in our naval armaments, preparation of sufficient financial means—­these are requirements which the situation calls for.  New and creative ideas must fructify our policy, and lead it to the happy goal.

The political situation offers many points on which to rest our lever.  England, too, is in a most difficult position.  The conflict of her interests with Russia’s in Persia and in the newly arisen Dardanelles question, as well as the power of Islam in the most important parts of her colonial Empire, are the subjects of permanent anxiety in Great Britain.  Attention has already been called to the significance and difficulty of her relations with North America.  France also has considerable obstacles still to surmount in her African Empire, before it can yield its full fruits.  The disturbances in the Far East will probably fetter Russia’s forces, and England’s interests will suffer in sympathy.  These are all conditions which an energetic and far-sighted German policy can utilize in order to influence the general political situation in the interests of our Fatherland.

If people and Government stand together, resolved to guard the honour of Germany and make every sacrifice of blood and treasure to insure the future of our country and our State, we can face approaching events with confidence in our rights and in our strength; then we need not fear to fight for our position in the world, but we may, with Ernst Moritz Arndt, raise our hands to heaven and cry to God: 

  “From the height of the starry sky
  May thy ringing sword flash bright;
  Let every craven cry
  Be silenced by thy might!”

Project Gutenberg
Germany and the Next War from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.