But still, all their cackle unheedin’,
She goes, in her ladylike way,
A-givin’ the poor what they’re needing
And helpin’ the church every day:
Our numbers each Sunday is swelling
And real, true religion is rife,
And sometimes I feel like a-yellin’,
“Three cheers fer the minister’s
* * * * *
[Illustration: “’Well, now, I vum! I know, by gum! I’m right because I be!’”]
* * * * *
“I am Sir Oracle, and when I ope my lips let no dog bark!”
* * * * *
Old Dan’l Hanks he says this town
Is jest the best on earth;
He says there ain’t one, up nor down,
That’s got one half her worth;
He says there ain’t no other state
That’s good as ourn, nor near;
And all the folks that’s good and great
Is settled right ’round here.
Says I “D’jer
ever travel, Dan?”
bet I ain’t!” says he;
“I tell
you what! the place I’ve got
good enough fer me!”
He says the other party’s fools,
’Cause they don’t vote his
He says the “feeble-minded schools”
Is where they ought ter stay;
If he was law their mouths he’d shut,
Or blow ’em all ter smash;
He says their platform’s nawthin’ but
A great big mess of trash.
Says I, “D’jer
ever read it, Dan?”
bet I ain’t!” says he;
“And when
I do; well, I tell you,
let you know, by gee!”
He says that all religion’s wrong
’Cept jest what he believes;
He says them ministers belong
In jail, the same as thieves;
He says they take the blessed Word
And tear it all ter shreds;
He says their preachin’s jest absurd;
They’re simply leatherheads.
Says I, “D’jer
ever hear ’em, Dan?”
bet I ain’t!” says he;
never go ter hear ’em; no;
make me sick ter see!”
Some fellers reckon, more or less,
Before they speak their mind,
And sometimes calkerlate or guess,—
But them ain’t Dan’l’s
The Lord knows all things, great or small,
With doubt he’s never vexed;
He, in his wisdom, knows it all,—
But Dan’l Hanks comes next.
Says I, “How d’
yer know you’re right?”
“How do I know?” says
“Well, now, I vum! I know, by gum!
I’m right because I be!”
* * * * *
Jason White has come ter town
Drivin’ his tin peddler’s
Pans a-bangin’ up an’ down
Like they’d tear theirselves apart;
Kittles rattlin’ underneath,
Coal-hods scrapin’ out a song,—
Makes a feller grit his teeth
When old Jason comes along.