Cowmen and Rustlers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Cowmen and Rustlers.

Cowmen and Rustlers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 196 pages of information about Cowmen and Rustlers.

“I have mine,” observed Monteith; “a good Smith & Wesson, and each of the five chambers is loaded.”

“Thank fortune for that; have you any extra cartridges?”

“Not one.”

“Your pistol may be the means of saving us.”

“Why do you speak that way?” asked Jennie; “I never knew you were scared so easily.”

“I am sorry you are with us, sister; my alarm is on your account.”

“I do not see why I am not as safe as either of you; neither can skate faster than I.”

“If we are to escape by that means, your chances are as good as ours; but those creatures have a fearful advantage over us, because we must run the gauntlet.”

“We are not so certain of that; if we hasten, we may pass the danger-point before they discover us.”

For the first time since leaving home the three did their best.  Separated from each other by just enough space to give play to the limbs, they sped down the icy river with the fleetness of the hurricane, their movements almost the perfect counterpart of each other.

First on the right foot, they shot well toward the shore on that side, then bending gracefully to the left, the weight was thrown on that limb, the impetus being imparted to the body without any apparent effort, after the manner of a master of the skater’s art.  These, sweeping forward, were many rods in length, the polished steel frequently giving out a metallic ring as it struck the flinty ice.  Now and then, too, a resounding creak sped past, and might have alarmed them had they not understood its nature.  It indicated no weakness of the frozen surface, but was caused by the settling of the crystal floor as the water flowed beneath.

For a few minutes these were the only noises that broke the impressive stillness.  The three had begun to hope that the ominous sounds would be heard no more, and that the wolves were too far from the river to discover them until beyond reach.

If they could once place themselves below the animals they need not fear, for they could readily distance them.  Should the speed of the pursuers become dangerous, a sharp turn or change in the course would throw them off and give the fugitives an advantage that would last for a long time.  But they dreaded the appearance of a whole pack of the brutes in front, thus shutting off their line of flight homeward.  True, in that case they could turn about and flee up stream, but the risk of encountering others attracted by the cries would be great, and perhaps leave their only recourse to a flight into the woods.

The thoughts of each turned to the nearest hunter’s cabin, although it was several miles distant, and probably beyond reach.

It was strange that, having emitted so many signals, the wolves should become suddenly quiescent.

No one spoke, but as they glided swiftly forward they peered along the gleaming surface in search of that which they dreaded to see.

Project Gutenberg
Cowmen and Rustlers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.