English Literature: Modern eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about English Literature.

English Literature: Modern eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about English Literature.

Sackville, Thomas,
Scott, Sir Walter,
Senecan Tragedy,
Seventeenth Century, the,
Shaw, G. Bernard,
Shelley, P. B.,
Shenstone, Thomas,
Sheridan, R. B.,
Shirley, John,
Sidney, Sir Philip,
Smollett, T.,
Sonnet, the,
Sonneteers, the,
Spanish Tragedy, The,
Spectator, The,
Spenser, Edmund,
Spenserians, the,
Steele, Richard,
Sterne, Lawrence,
Stevenson, R. L.,
Supernatural, the,
Surrey, the Earl of,
Swift, Jonathan,
Swinburne, A. C.,
Synge, J. M.,

Tale of a Tub, The,
Tatler, The,
Temple, Sir William,
Tennyson, Alfred,
Thackeray, W. M.,
Theatre, the Elizabethan,
Thomson, James,
Tottel’s Miscellany,


Vaughan, Henry, Victorian Age, the, View of the State of Ireland,

Waller, Edmund,
Walton, Isaac,
Webster, John,
Wells, H. G.,
White Devil, The,
Wilde, Oscar,
Wilson, Thomas,
Wither, George,
Wordsworth, William,
Wyatt, Thomas,

Yeats, W. B.,

Project Gutenberg
English Literature: Modern from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.