A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.

A School History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about A School History of the United States.
Delaware Indians, 68, 72. 
Delegates, territorial, 162, 351 n. 2. 
Democratic party,
Democratic Republicans,
Denver, settled,
   convention at,
Department of Labor established,
Detroit, settled
  surrender of,
Dewey, Commodore,
Dingley Tariff,
Dinwiddie, Governor Robert,
Direct tax,
District courts,
District of Columbia,
  slavery in,
Dixon, Jeremiah,
Dole, president of Hawaiian Republic,
Donelson, Andrew Jackson,
Donelson, John,
Dorchester settled,
Dorchester Heights captured,
Douglas, Stephen A., Nebraska Bill,
  debates with Lincoln,
  elected senator,
  presidential nominee,
Dover riot,
Dow, Neal,
Drake, Sir Francis,
Draper, Dr. John W.,
Dred Scott decision,
Duane, William J.,
Duluth founded,
Duquesne, Marquis,
Durham massacre,
Dutch, possessions,
Dutch West India Company.


Earle, Thomas,
Early, Jubal,
East India Company,
East Indies, trade with,
Eastern Colonies, occupations, etc.,
Eastport captured,
Edmunds Law,
Electoral college,
Electoral commission,
Elizabeth, Queen,
Elizabeth City captured,
Ellmaker, Amos,
Ellsworth, Oliver,
Emancipation, agitation;
  cost of. 
Embargo laws. 
Emigration, western. 
Endicott, John. 
English, possessions;
  relations with France;
  relations with Indians;
  government of colonies;
  attitude to colonies;
  war with colonies;
  at war with French;
  disputed right of trade;
  favor South American republics;
  favor South;
  Venezuelan boundary question. 
English, William H.
English fur companies.
Era of Good Feeling. 
Ericsson, Captain John. 
Ericsson, Leif. 
Erie Canal. 
Erie Indians.
Europe, claims in America;
  attitude during Civil War. 
Evans, Oliver. 
Everett, Edward. 
Exeter massacre. 
Explorations, European;
Express, pony. 
Express companies formed.


Fair Oaks, battle of. 
Farewell Address of President Washington. 
Farmers’ Alliance. 
Farragut, Admiral. 
Federal Hall. 
Federal money. 
Federalist party,
Ferdinand, King, aids Columbus. 
Field, Cyrus W.
Field, James G.
Fifteenth Amendment. 
“Fifty-four forty or fight”. 
Fillmore, Millard, vice president;
  presidential nominee. 
Financial, distress of ’37;
  condition after Civil War;
  policy, Grant’s;
  questions after ’88. 
First Continental Congress. 
Fiscal Bank of United States. 
Fiscal Corporation. 
Fishery question. 
Fitch, John. 
Five Nations, or Iroquois Indians. 

Project Gutenberg
A School History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.