The Masters of the Peaks eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 300 pages of information about The Masters of the Peaks.

The Masters of the Peaks eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 300 pages of information about The Masters of the Peaks.

“That’s the man,” said Willet.  “I knew him at once.  Now, wherever De Courcelles is mischief is likely to be afoot, but he’s not the only Frenchman here.  We’ll spy out this camp to the full.  There’s time yet before the sunrise comes.”

Now the three used all the skill in stalking with which they were endowed so plentifully, creeping forward without noise through the bushes, making so little stir among them that if a wary warrior had been looking he would have taken the slight movement of twig or leaf for the influence of a wandering breeze.  Gradually the whole camp came into view, and Tayoga’s prediction that it would be a large one proved true.

Robert lay on a little knoll among small bushes growing thick, where the keenest eye could not see him, but where his own vision swept the whole wide shallow dip, in which the French and Indian force was encamped.  Twelve fires, all good and large, burned gayly, throwing out ruddy flames from great beds of glowing coals, while the aroma of food was now much stronger and very appetizing.

The force numbered at least three hundred men, of whom about one third were Frenchmen or Canadians, all in uniform.  Robert recognized De Courcelles and near him Jumonville, his invariable comrade, and a little farther on a handsome and gallant young face.

“It’s De Galissonniere of the Battalion Languedoc, whom we met in Quebec,” he whispered to Tayoga.  “Now I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“He’s come with the others on a projected foray,” Tayoga whispered back.  “But look beyond him, Dagaeoga, and you will see one more to be dreaded than De Courcelles or Jumonville.”

Robert’s gaze followed that of the young Onondaga and was intercepted by the huge figure of Tandakora, the Ojibway, who stood erect by one of the fires, bare save for a breech cloth and moccasins, his body painted in the most hideous designs, of which war paint was possible, his brow lowering.

“Tandakora is not happy,” said Tayoga.

“No,” said Robert.  “He is thinking of the battle at Lake George that he did not win, and of all the scalps he did not take.  He is thinking of his lost warriors, and the rout of his people and the French.”

“Even so, Dagaeoga.  Now Tandakora and De Courcelles talk with the spy, Garay.  They want his news.  They rejoice when he tells them Waraiyageh and his soldiers still make no preparations to advance after their victory by the lake.  The long delay, the postponement of a big campaign until next spring will give the French and Indians time to breathe anew and renew their strength.  Tandakora and De Courcelles consider themselves fortunate, and they are pleased with the spy, Garay.  But look, Dagaeoga!  Behold who comes now!”

Project Gutenberg
The Masters of the Peaks from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.