The Booming of Acre Hill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Booming of Acre Hill.

The Booming of Acre Hill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Booming of Acre Hill.

But when Araminta and Fiametta on a sudden, just after the leap-year dance, wholly, and, as we thought, basely, deserted us for that emblem of conscious rectitude, Sam Wilkins, a man whose eye couldn’t learn to twinkle in a thousand years, a mere human iceberg, then it was that we were astounded.  Nor was this secession limited to Araminta and Fiametta.  The conversion of the girls of Dumfries Corners to Wilkins was as complete, as comprehensive, as it was startling to the men.  Jack Lester, as Bob Jenks expressed it, was “trun down” by Daisy Hawkins, who appeared to have eyes for none but Wilkins, while Bob, in turn, when going to make his usual Thursday evening call upon Miss Betsy Wilson, discovered that Miss Betsy had gone to the University extension lecture with the train-wrecker, an act unprecedented, for it had long been the custom for Bob to spend his Thursday evenings at the Wilson mansion, and, while nothing had as yet been announced, everybody in town was getting his congratulations ready for Bob as soon as that which was understood became a matter of common knowledge.

For a week or two we none of us let on that we had observed the remarkable change that had come o’er the spirit of our dreams.  Harry has always been remarkable for his ability to conceal his feelings, and in that respect I am a good second, and except for the fact that we spent more time at the club playing pool nobody would have suspected that we cared whether Araminta or Fiametta still loved us or not.  Besides, we each had a feeling that two could play at this Wilkins game, and I had made up my mind that if Araminta could so easily find a substitute for me I, with my twinkle, could as speedily replace her.  That is to say, I felt that I could create that impression in Araminta’s mind, and that was all I was after.  I didn’t really intend, however easy it would be to do so, to create a flutter of a permanent nature in any other woman’s heart—­that is, not until I was sure that Araminta was lost to me forever.  After a decent period of mourning I might have used my twinkle for permanent effect, but at that moment my only idea was to show Araminta that if one could be fickle, two could be twice as fickle.  Harry had the same course of treatment in store for Fiametta, and we both made a strong bid for the company of Mary Brown, who, it must be confessed, was a charming girl, and stood second in the affections of every man in Dumfries Corners.

It was the opportunity of Mary Brown’s life, for even as Harry and I had decided, so had all the other jilted swains, but that curious girl either could not or would not grasp it.  She, too, had become a Wilkinsite, and would have nothing to do with any of us.  She declined to attend the Beldens’s musicale with me, and went bicycling with the iceberg.  She told Robinson she hated lectures, and went to a stereopticon show with the train-wrecker.  All the other men met with a similar rebuff, and at the last meeting of the Chafing Dish Club she capped the

Project Gutenberg
The Booming of Acre Hill from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.