The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,526 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus.

The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,526 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus.

To the Editors of the Constitutionalist.

Aiken, S.C., Dec. 20, 1836.

I have just returned from an inquest I held over the dead body of a negro man, a runaway, that was shot near the South Edisto, in this district, (Barnwell,) on Saturday morning last.  He came to his death by his own recklessness.  He refused to be taken alive; and said that other attempts to take him had been made, and he was determined that he would not be taken.  When taken he was nearly naked—­had a large dirk or knife and a heavy club.  He was at first, (when those who were in pursuit of him found it absolutely necessary,) shot at with small shot, with the intention of merely crippling him.  He was shot at several times, and at last he was so disabled as to be compelled to surrender.  He kept in the run of a creek in a very dense swamp all the time that the neighbors were in pursuit of him.  As soon as the negro was taken, the best medical aid was procured, but he died on the same evening.  One of the witnesses at the inquisition stated that the negro boy said that he was from Mississippi, and belonged to so many persons he did not know who his master was; but again he said his master’s name was Brown.  He said his own name was Sam; and when asked by another witness who his master was, he muttered something like Augusta or Augustine.  The boy was apparently above 35 or 40 years of age—­about six feet high—­slightly yellow in the face—­very long beard or whiskers—­and very stout built, and a stern countenance; and appeared to have been run away a long time.


Coroner, (ex officio,) Barnwell Dist., S.C.

The Mississippi and other papers will please copy the above.—­Georgia

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$100 REWARD.—­Ran away from the subscriber, living on Herring Bay, Ann Arundel county, Md., on Saturday, 28th January, negro man Elijah, who calls himself Elijah Cook, is about 21 years of age, well made, of a very dark complexion has an impediment in his speech, and a scar on his left cheek bone, apparently occasioned by a shot.

J. SCRIVENER.  Annapolis (Md.) Rep., Feb., 1837.

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$40 REWARD.—­Ran away from my residence near Mobile, two negro men, Isaac and Tim.  Isaac is from 25 to 30 years old, dark complexion, scar on the right side of the head, and also one on the right side of the body, occasioned by BUCK SHOT.  Tim is 22 years old, dark complexion, scar on the right cheek, as also another on the back of the neck.  Captains and owners of steamboats, vessels, and water crafts of every description, are cautioned against taking them on board under the penalty of the law; and all other persons against harboring or in any manner favoring the escape of said negroes under like penalty.

Mobile, Sept. 1.  SARAH WALSH.  Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, Sept. 29, 1837.

Project Gutenberg
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.