The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,526 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus.

The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus eBook

American Anti-Slavery Society
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 3,526 pages of information about The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus.

14.  Have you any permanent fund, and how much?

ANTI-SLAVERY OFFICE, New York, March 8, 1838

Hon. F.H.  ELMORE,

Member of Congress from S. Carolina: 

SIR,—­I take pleasure in furnishing the information you have so politely asked for, in your letter of the 16th ult., in relation to the American Anti-Slavery Society;—­and trust, that this correspondence, by presenting in a sober light, the objects and measures of the society, may contribute to dispel, not only from your own mind, but—­if it be diffused throughout the South—­from the minds of our fellow-citizens there generally, a great deal of undeserved prejudice and groundless alarm.  I cannot hesitate to believe, that such as enter on the examination of its claims to public favour, without bias, will find that it aims intelligently, not only at the promotion of the interests of the slave, but of the master,—­not only at the re-animation of the Republican principles of our Constitution, but at the establishment of the Union on an enduring basis.

I shall proceed to state the several questions submitted in your letter, and answer them, in the order in which they are proposed.  You ask,—­

“1. How many societies, affiliated with that of which you are corresponding secretary, are there in the United States?  And how many members belong to them IN THE AGGREGATE?”

ANSWER.—­Our anniversary is held on the Tuesday immediately preceding the second Thursday in May.  Returns of societies are made only a short time before.  In May, 1835, there were 225 auxiliaries reported.  In May, 1836, 527.  In May, 1837, 1006.  Returns for the anniversary in May next have not come in yet.  It may, however, be safely said, that the increase, since last May, is not less than 400.[A] Of late, the multiplication of societies has not kept pace with the progress of our principles.  Where these are well received, our agents are not so careful to organize societies as in former times, when our numbers were few; societies, now, being not deemed so necessary for the advancement of our cause.  The auxiliaries average not less than 80 members each; making an aggregate of 112,480.  Others estimate the auxiliaries at 1500, and the average of members at 100.  I give you, what I believe to be the lowest numbers.

[Footnote A:  The number reported for May was three hundred and forty, making, in the aggregate, 1346.—­Report for May, 1838.]

“2. Are there any other societies similar to yours, and not affiliated with it in the United States?  And how many, and what is the aggregate of their members?”

Project Gutenberg
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.