A Practical Illustration of "Woman's Right to Labor" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 232 pages of information about A Practical Illustration of "Woman's Right to Labor".

A Practical Illustration of "Woman's Right to Labor" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 232 pages of information about A Practical Illustration of "Woman's Right to Labor".

“If you are going to Humboldt, you should have taken the turn to your left five miles back on the mountain,” he said.  “It would be impossible for you to reach it to-night, even if you could be set right, for you would be sure to lose your way again in the darkness.  The only public house—­if you can call it such—­in this region, is at least a mile from here, and far from inviting or comfortable at that; so allow me, Mr. Heath, to offer you the hospitality of our home for the night, and to-morrow you can start afresh and refreshed upon your way.”

The young man looked up with a glance of surprise, while a quick flush mounted to his brow, at this unexpected and rather extraordinary offer, for he well knew that in a mining district all strangers are regarded with suspicion if not with positive dislike.

“Sir, you are very kind,” he began, casting another glance toward the lovely maiden by the table, for he had seen her give a quick start at her father’s invitation, “but I fear I should trespass beyond all bounds were I to accept your offer.”

“No, indeed,” returned Mr. Abbot, with more of eagerness in his manner than he was in the habit of betraying over anything.  “I could not think of allowing you to go on in this driving storm, and we can arrange it very comfortably can we not, Virgie?” turning toward her.

“Yes, sir,” was the low though unhesitating reply.

“But I am an entire stranger to you.  How dare you take me into your household?  How do you know but that I am a robber or a brigand in disguise?” queried Mr. Heath, with a twinkle in his fine eyes.  But still he was strongly tempted to accept the friendly offer, not only on account of the comfort surrounding him, but because he was attracted by the cultivated gentleman and his charming daughter, both of whom were a great surprise to him, finding them as he had in that wild region.

“Nay,” responded Mr. Abbot, smiling, yet meeting the frank eyes of his guest steadily, “I think I can vouch for your character as a gentleman even though you are an utter stranger.  Remove your wet garments, I pray, and make yourself comfortable for the night.”

“But my horse,” began Mr. Heath, suddenly bethinking himself of the dripping and suffering animal.

“True.  Pardon my thoughtlessness,” returned his host, adding, “There is a small shed attached to our dwelling where he can at least be sheltered.  Virgie, please go and send Chi Lu to assist Mr. Heath.”

Virgie immediately arose and left the room, and soon after a diminutive Chinaman appeared in the doorway, bearing a lighted lantern, and signifying his readiness to “puttee up te hossee.”

Mr. Heath left the house with him, and both were gone some time, attending to the animal’s injured leg and trying to make him as comfortable as circumstances would allow.

During their absence Virgie, at the suggestion of her father, busied herself in arranging a supper for the storm-beaten traveler, who upon his return was greeted by the fumes of steaming coffee, while an appetizing array of cold meats and other viands was spread upon the table, which had been drawn up before the fire.

Project Gutenberg
A Practical Illustration of "Woman's Right to Labor" from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.