The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 27 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

Jack Jones, the Recruit, 412. 
Jenkins, Henry, 242. 
Jersey, recent Tour in, 260—­278. 
Jews, History of the, 105. 
Juvenile Forget-me-not, 269, 383. 
Juvenile Keepsake, 412. 
Juvenile Poetess, Memoir of, 343.

Keepsake, the, 372. 
Kemble, John, and Miss Owenson, 93. 
King’s Evil, Touching for, 437.

Landon, Miss, Poetry by, 267. 
Landscape Annual, the, 370. 
La Perouse, Note on, 207. 
Laing, Major, Death of, 219. 
Lardner’s Cyclopedia, 442. 
Lay from Home, 115. 
Libertine’s Confession, 59. 
Liberty, on, 214. 
Life, Duration of, 174. 
Limoeiro, at Lisbon, described, 337. 
Lines in an Album, 100.
——­ by Miss Mitford, 124.
---- to ------------, 308. 
Lion-eating and Hanging, 8. 
Lion’s Roar, the, 290. 
Literary Problem, 178.
-------- Souvenir, 334--371. 
Living, good and bad, 89. 
Lost Lamb, 447. 
Localities, chapter on, 146—­226. 
Locke, Lord King’s Life of, 12. 
Lone Graves, the, 18. 
London, Lines on, 154.
------ View of, 249. 
Lord Mayor’s Day, Lines on, 350. 
Love, a Ballad, 12—­68. 
Lucifer, a Tale, 325. 
Lucretia Davidson, Memoir of, 340.

Mahomet and his Mistress, 339. 
Major’s Love Adventure, 285. 
MANNERS and CUSTOMS, 38—­101—­178—­197—­231—­311—­375. 
Mantis, or Walking Leaf, 306. 
Margate described, 141. 
Maria Gray, a Ballad, 173. 
Masaniello, character of, 153. 
Mercer’s Hull and Old Cheapside, 17. 
Milan Cathedral described, 2. 
Minstrel Ballad, 100. 
Minstrels and Music Licenses, 418. 
Mocha Coffee, 47. 
Mole, the, 281—­297—­360. 
Moncrieff’s Poems, 23. 
Monkish Verses translated, 163. 
Mont Blanc, ascent of, 71. 
Months, Saxon Names for, 232. 
Morgan, Lady, 382. 
Mozart, Youth of, 254—­265. 
Murat, death of, 83.

NATURALIST, The, 4—­39—­86—­120—­174—­217—­281—­297—­306—­381—­438. 
Nautilus, Lines on, 180. 
New York, 249. 
New Year’s Gift, 293. 
Ney, Marshal, Memoir of, 420. 
Night in a Sedan Chair, 183. 
NOTES OF A READER, 6—­46—­61—­71—­93—­120—­152—­186—­220—­247—­297
NOVELIST, The, 9—­58—­89—­118—­213—­244—­358—­404.

Oaks, Superstition against felling, 375. 
Observatory at Greenwich, 401. 
Old Man’s Story, The, 283. 
OLD POETS, 4—­140—­271—­407. 
Once Ancient, 85. 
Opium-eating in Turkey, 270. 
Out of Season, a Lament, 291. 
Oyster catching Mice, &c., 87.

Palestine described, 107. 
Paley, Recollections of, 158. 
Paraphrase on Heber, 181. 
Pendrills, Family of, 35. 
Periodical Literature, 440. 
Peru, Adventure in, 230. 
Phillips’, Sir R., Personal Tour, 377. 
Physiognomy of Houses, 100. 
Plantagenets, Last of the, 46. 
Planters, Royal, 73. 
Pool’s Hole, Derbyshire, 19. 
Poor, Laws for the, 299. 
Pope’s Temple at Hagley, 49. 
Popular Philosophy, 430. 
Proverbs, Old, illustrated, 133. 
Provincial Reputation, 409. 
Psalmody, Improved, 114—­370. 
Punch, How to Make, 8. 
Pursuit of Knowledge, 108—­138.

Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.