“Nay, by my faith, thou shalt not,” cried the dwarf;
“Thou art not worthy ev’n to speak of him;”
And when she put her horse toward the knight,
Struck at her with his whip, and she return’d
Indignant to the Queen; whereat Geraint
Exclaiming, “Surely I will learn the name,”
Made sharply to the dwarf, and ask’d it of him,
Who answer’d as before; and when the Prince
Had put his horse in motion toward the knight,
Struck at him with his whip, and cut his cheek.
The Prince’s blood spurted upon the scarf,
Dyeing it; and his quick, instinctive hand
Caught at the hilt, as to abolish him:
But he, from his exceeding manfulness
And pure nobility of temperament,
Wroth to be wroth at such a worm, refrain’d
From ev’n a word, and so returning said:
“I will avenge this
insult, noble Queen,
Done in your maiden’s person to
And I will track this vermin to their
For tho’ I ride unarm’d, I
do not doubt
To find, at some place I shall come at,
On loan, or else for pledge; and, being
Then will I fight him, and will break
his pride,
And on the third day will again be here,
So that I be not fall’n in fight.
“Farewell, fair Prince,”
answer’d the stately Queen.
“Be prosperous in this journey,
as in all;
And may you light on all things that you
And live to wed with her whom first you
But ere you wed with any, bring your bride,
And I, were she the daughter of a king,
Yea, tho’ she were a beggar from
the hedge,
Will clothe her for her bridals like the
Geraint, now thinking that
he heard
[Transcriber’s note: Illegible]t
at bay, now the far horn,
A little vext at losing of the hunt,
A little at the vile occasion, rode,
By ups and downs, thro’ many a grassy
And valley, with fixt eye following the
At last they issued from the world of
And climb’d upon a fair and even
And show’d themselves against the
sky, and sank.
And thither came Geraint, and underneath
Beheld the long street of a little town
In a long valley, on one side whereof,
White from the mason’s hand, a fortress
And on one side a castle in decay,
Beyond a bridge that spann’d a dry
And out of town and valley came a noise
As of a broad brook o’er a shingly
Brawling, or like a clamor of the rooks
At distance, ere they settle for the night.
And onward to the fortress
rode the three,
And enter’d, and were lost behind
the walls.
“So,” thought Geraint, “I
have track’d him to his earth.”
And down the long street riding wearily,
Found every hostel full, and everywhere
Was hammer laid to hoof, and the hot hiss
And bustling whistle of the youth who