and round about which were celestial forms of gold
and precious stones, which cannot be described by any
language, or delineated by any art; for they surpassed
the ideas of language and the notions of art.
On seeing these things he again exclaimed, “These
are the very essence of whatever is wonderful, such
as no eye had ever seen.” But instantly,
as before, his internal sight was opened, the external
being closed, and he was asked what he then saw?
He replied, “Nothing but decayed piles of bulrushes
in this place, of straw in that, and of fire brands
in a third.” Once again he was brought into
an external state of mind, and some maidens were introduced,
who were extremely beautiful, being images of celestial
affection; and they, with the sweet voice of their
affection, addressed him; and instantly, on seeing
and hearing them, his countenance changed, and he returned
of himself into his internals, which were adulterous;
and since such internals cannot endure any thing of
celestial love, and neither on the other hand can
they be endured by celestial love, therefore both parties
vanished,—the maidens out of sight of the
man, and the man out of sight of the maidens.
After this, the angel informed him concerning the ground
and origin of the changes of the state of his sights;
saying, “I perceive that in the world, from
which you are come, you have been two-fold, in internals
having been quite a different man from what you were
in externals; in externals you have been a civil, moral,
and rational man; whereas in internals, you have been
neither civil, moral, nor rational, because a libertine
and an adulterer: and such men, when they are
allowed to ascend into heaven, and are there kept in
their externals, can see the heavenly things contained
therein; but when their internals are opened, instead
of heavenly things they see infernal. Know, however,
that with every one in this world, externals are successively
closed, and internals are opened, and thereby they
are prepared for heaven or hell; and as the evil of
adultery defiles the internals of the mind above every
other evil, you must needs be conveyed down to the
defiled principles of your love, and these are in the
hells, where the caverns are full of stench arising
from dunghills. Who cannot know from reason,
that an unchaste and lascivious principle in the world
of spirits, is impure and unclean, and thus that nothing
more pollutes and defiles a man, and induces in him
an infernal principle? Wherefore take heed how
you boast any longer of your whoredoms, as possessing
masculine powers therein above other men. I advertise
you before hand, that you will become feeble, so that
you will scarce know where your masculine power is.
Such is the lot which awaits those who boast of their
adulterous ability.” On hearing these words
he descended, and returned into the world of spirits,
to his former companions, and converse with them modestly
and chastely, but not for any considerable length
of time.