SAVED, to be.—All in the universe who acknowledge a God, and, from a religious principle, shun evil as sins against Him, are saved, 343.
SCIENCE is a principle of knowledges, 130. There is no end to science, 185. Man is not born into the science of any love, but beasts and birds are born into the science of all their loves, 133. Man is born without sciences, to the end that he may receive them all; whereas, supposing him to be born into sciences, he could not receive any but those into which he was born, 134. Science and love are undivided companions, 134.
SCIENCE OF CORRESPONDENCES, the, was among the ancients the science of sciences, 532. It was the knowledge concerning the spiritual things of heaven and the church, and thence they derived wisdom, 532. It conjoined the sensual things of their bodies with the perceptions of their minds, and procured to them intelligence, 76. This science having been turned into idolatrous science, was so obliterated and destroyed by the divine providence of the Lord, that no visible traces of it were left remaining, 532. Nevertheless, it has been again discovered by the Lord, in order that the men of the church may again have conjunction with Him, and consociation with the angels; which purposes are effected by the Word, in which all things are correspondences, 532. See Correspondences.
SCRIPTURE, the sacred, which proceeded immediately from the Lord, is, in general and in particular, a marriage of good and truth, 115.
SEAT, the, of jealousy is in the understanding of the husband, 372.
SEDUCERS.—Their sad lot after death, 514.
SEE, to, that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, is to see from heavenly light in natural light, 233.
SEEDS spiritually understood are truths, 220. By the seed of man, whereby iron shall be mixed with clay, and still they shall not cohere, is meant the truth of the Word falsified, 79. Formation of seed, 220, 245, 183.
SELF-CONCEIT, or SELF-DERIVED INTELLIGENCE.—The love of wisdom, if it remains with man, and is not transcribed into the woman, is an evil love, and is called self-conceit, or the love of his own intelligence, 88, 353. The wife continually attracts to herself her husband’s conceit of his own intelligence, and extinguishes it in him, and verifies it in herself, 353. He who, from a principle of self-love, is vain of his own intelligence, cannot possibly love his wife with true conjugial love, 193.
SEMBLANCES, conjugial, 279-289.
SEMINATION corresponds to the potency of truth, 127. It has a spiritual origin, and proceeds from the truths of which the understanding consists, 220.
SENSATIONS with the pleasures thence derived appertain to the body, and affections with the thoughts thence derived appertain to the mind, 273.