OBSTRUCTIONS of inmost life, whence they proceed, 313.
OCCIPUT, 267, 444.
OCHIM, the, in hell, represent the images of the phantasies of the internals, 264, 430.
ODE sung by virgins in the spiritual world, 207.
ODORS, the, whereby the chaste pleasures of conjugial love are presented to the senses in the spiritual world, are the perfumes arising from fruits, and the fragrances from flowers, 430.
OFFENSIVE appearances, odors, and forms, under which unchaste delights are presented to the view in hell, 430.
OFFICES and employments in the spiritual world, 207.
OFFSPRINGS, the, derived from the Lord as a husband and father, and from the church as a wife and mother, are all spiritual, 120. The spiritual offsprings which are born from the Lord’s marriage with the church are truths and goods, 121. From the marriages of the angels in the heavens are generated spiritual offsprings, which are those of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, 65. Spiritual offsprings, which are produced from the marriages of the angels, are such things as are of wisdom from the father, and of love from the mother, 211. See Storge.
OIL signifies good, 44.
OLD men, decrepit, and infirm old women are restored by the Lord to the power of their age, when from a religious principle they have shunned adulteries as enormous sins, 137.
OLIVE-TREES in the spiritual world represent conjugial love in the highest region, 270,
ONE, the, from whom all things have life and from whom form coheres, is the Lord, 524. In heaven two married partners are called two when they are named husband and wife, but one when they are named angels, 177. When the will of two married partners become one, they become one man (homo), 196.
OPERATIONS, all, in the universe have a progression from ends through causes into effects, 400.
OPINIONS on celestial joys and eternal happiness, 3.
OPPOSITE.—There is not any thing in the universe which has not its opposite, 425. Opposites, in regard to each other, are not relatives, but contraries, 425. When an opposite acts upon an opposite, one destroys the other even to the last spark of its life, 255. Marriages and adulteries are diametrically opposite to each other, 255.
OPPOSITION of adulterous love and conjugial love, 423-443.
OPULENCE in heaven is the faculty of growing wise, according to which faculty wealth is given in abundance, 250.
ORDER, all, proceeds from first principles to last, and the last becomes the first of some following order, 311. All things of a middle order are the last of a prior order, 311. There is successive order and simultaneous order; the latter is from the former and according to it, 314. In successive order, one thing follows after another from what is highest to what is lowest, 314. In simultaneous order,