GROUND.—Man at his first birth is as a ground in which no seeds are implanted, but which nevertheless is capable of receiving all seeds, and of bringing them forth and fructifying them, 134.
GROVES, 76, 132, 183, 316.
GUILT, Reatus, is principally predicated of the will, 493.
GYMNASIA in the spiritual world, 151*, 207, 315, 380.
GYMNASIA, Olympic, in the spiritual world, where the ancient sophi and many of their disciples met together, 151*.
HABITATIONS.—How men have ceased to be habitations of God, 153*.
HAND.—In heaven the right hand is the good of man’s ability, and the left the truth thereof, 316. If, in the Word, mention is made of a thing’s being inscribed on the hands, it is because the hands are the ultimates of man, wherein the deliberations and conclusions of his mind terminate, and there constitute what is simultaneous, 314. The angels can see in a man’s hand all the thoughts and intentions of his mind, 314. Whatever a man examines intellectually, appears to the angels as if inscribed on his hands, 261.
HAPPINESS, concerning eternal, 2 and following. Happiness ought to be within external joys, and to flow from them, 6. This happiness abiding in external joys, makes them joys, and to flow from them, 6. This happiness abiding in external joys, makes them joys, it enriches them, and prevents their becoming loathsome and disgusting; and this happiness is derived to every angel from the use he performs in his function, 6. From the reception of the love of uses, springs heavenly happiness, which is the life of joys, 6. Heavenly happiness results from the eternal enjoyment of different states derived from conjugial love, 180. The delights of the soul, with the thoughts of the mind and the sensations of the body, constitute heavenly happiness, 16. The happiness which results from the sensations of the body alone, is not eternal, but soon passes away, and in some cases becomes unhappiness, 16. Eternal happiness does not arise from the place, but from the state of the life of man (homo) 16.
HAPPINESS, the, of cohabitation increases with those who are principled in love truly conjugial, 213.
HEALING of the sick by the touch, 396.
HEARING, natural, is grounded in spiritual hearing, which is attention of the understanding, and at the same time accommodation of the will, 220. The love of hearing grounded in the love of hearkening to and obeying has the sense of hearing, and the gratifications proper to it are the various kinds of harmony, 210. The perception of a thing imbibed by hearing only flows in indeed, but does not remain unless the hearer also thinks of it from himself, and asks questions concerning it, 183.
HEART, the, signifies love, 75. The heart has relation to good, 87. The heart rules by the blood in every part of the body, 179.
HEAT, spiritual, is love, 235. This heat is from no other source than the sun of the spiritual world, 235. Heat is felt, and not seen, 123. When the heat of conjugial love removes and rejects the heat of adulterous love, conjugial love begins to acquire a pleasant warmth, 147. The quality of the heat of conjugial love with polygamists, 344.