DRINK, to, water from the fountain signifies to be instructed concerning truths, and by truths concerning goods, and thereby to grow wise, 182.
DRINKS.—In the heaven as well as in the world there are drinks, 6. See Food.
DRUNKENNESS, 252, 472.
DUTIES.—There are duties proper to the man, and duties proper to the wife, 174. In the duties proper to the men, the primary agent is understanding, thought, and wisdom; whereas in the duties proper to the wives, the primary agent is will, affection, and love, 175.
EAR, the, does not hear and discern the harmonies of tunes in singing, and the concordances of the articulation of sounds in discourse, but the spirit, 440. In heaven the right ear is the good of hearing, and the left the truth thereof, 316.
EARTH, the, or ground is the common mother of all vegetables, 206, 397; and of all minerals, 397.
EARTH, the lower, in the spiritual world, is next above hell, 231.
EARTH, or country, 13, 27, 37, 49, 69, 71, 144, 320, &c.
EASE, by, and sloth the mind grows stupid and the body torpid, and the whole man becomes insensible to every vital love, especially to conjugial love, 249.
EAST, the.—The Lord is the East, because he is in the sun there, 261.
EAT, to, of the tree of life, in a spiritual sense, is to be intelligent and wise from the Lord; and to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, signifies to be intelligent and wise from self, 353. To eat of the tree of life, is to receive eternal life; to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, is to receive damnation, 135, 444.
ECCLESIASTICAL ORDER, the, on the earth minister those things which appertain to the Lord’s priestly character, 308. What is the nature of ecclesiastical self-love, 264. They aspire to be gods, so far as that love is unrestrained. 264.
EDEN.—See Garden.
EDUCATION of children in the spiritual world, 411-413.
EFFECT.—See End.
EFFIGY.—Two married partners, between or in whom conjugial love subsists, are an effigy and form of it, 65. In the spiritual world the faces of spirits become the effigies of their internal affections, 273.
ELECTION belongs to the man and not to the woman, 296. The women have the right of election of one of their suitors, 296.
ELEVATION.—With men there is an elevation of the mind into superior light, and with women elevation of the mind into superior heat, 188. Elevation into superior light with men is elevation into superior intelligence, and thence into wisdom, in which also there are ascending degrees of elevation, 188. The elevation into superior heat with women is an elevation into chaster and purer conjugial love, and continually towards the conjugial principle, which from creation lies concealed in their inmost principles, 188. These elevations considered in themselves are openings of the mind, 188.