CROCODILES, in the spiritual world, represent the deceit and cunning of the inhabitants, 79.
CROWNS of flowers on the head, 183. The crown of chastity, 503.
CUPIDITIES, the, of the flesh are nothing but the conglomerated concupiscences of what is evil and false, 440.
CUSTOMARY RITES, there are, which are merely formal, and there are others which at the same time are also essential; among the latter are the nuptials, 306. Nuptials are to be reckoned among essentials, 306.
DANES, the, 103, 111.
DARKNESS of the north signifies dulness of mind and ignorance of truth, 77.
DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW.—What daughters and sons-in-law signify in the Word, 120.
DAUGHTERS, in the Word, signifies the goods of the church, 120, 220.
DEATH.—Man after death is perfectly a man, yea, more perfectly a man than before in the world, 182.
DECALOGUE, why the, was promulgated by Jehovah God upon Mount Sinai with a stupendous miracle, 351.
DECANTATION.—The purification of conjugial love may be compared with the purification of natural spirits, as effected by the chemists, and called decantation, 145.
DECEASED.—When married partners have lived in love truly conjugial, the spirit of the deceased cohabits continually with that of the survivor, and this even to the death of the latter, 321.
DECLARATION, the, of love belongs to the men, 296.
DEFECATION.—The purification of conjugial love may be compared with the purification of natural spirits, as effected by the chemists, and called defecation, 145.
DEGREES.—There are three degrees of life, and hence there are three heavens, and the human mind is distinguished into those degrees, hence man corresponds to the three heavens, 532. Heretofore the distinction of degrees in relation to greater and less has been known, but not in relation to prior and posterior, 532. There are three degrees of the natural man; the first degree is that properly meant by the natural, the second the sensual, and the third the corporeal, 496. Adulteries change men into these degenerate degrees, 496. Four degrees of adulteries, 485-494. Violations of the Word and the church correspond to the prohibited degrees enumerated in Levit., ch. xviii., 519.
DELIGHTS, all, whatever, of which man has any sensation, are delights of his love, 68. By delights love manifests itself, yea, exists and lives, 68. Delights follow use, and are also communicated to man according to the love thereof, 68. The love of use derives its essence from love, and its existence from wisdom. The love of use, which derives its origin from love by wisdom, is the love and life of all celestial joys, 63. The activity of love makes the sense of delight: its activity in heaven is with wisdom, its activity in hell is with insanity: each in its objects presents delights, 461. Delight is the all of life to all in heaven, and to all in hell, 461. Delights are exalted in the same degree that love is exalted, and also in the degree that the incident affections touch the ruling love more nearly, 68. Every delight of love, in the spiritual world, is presented to the sight under various appearances, to the sense under various odors, and to the view under various forms of beasts and birds, 430. Delights of love truly conjugial, 68.