The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti.

The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 667 pages of information about The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti.
upon art and beauty in his poems.  Dwelling like a star apart, communing with the eternal ideas, the permanent relations of the universe, uttering his inmost thoughts about these mysteries through the vehicles of science and of art, for which he was so singularly gifted, Michelangelo, in no loose or trivial sense of that phrase, proved himself to be a creator.  He introduces us to a world seen by no eyes except his own, compels us to become familiar with forms unapprehended by our senses, accustoms us to breathe a rarer and more fiery atmosphere than we were born into.

The vehicles used by Michelangelo in his designs were mostly pen and chalk.  He employed both a sharp-nibbed pen of some kind, and a broad flexible reed, according to the exigencies of his subject or the temper of his mood.  The chalk was either red or black, the former being softer than the latter.  I cannot remember any instances of those chiaroscuro washes which Raffaello handled in so masterly a manner, although Michelangelo frequently combined bistre shading with pen outlines.  In like manner he does not seem to have favoured the metal point upon prepared paper, with which Lionardo produced unrivalled masterpieces.  Some drawings, where the yellow outline bites into a parchment paper, blistering at the edges, suggest a rusty metal in the instrument.  We must remember, however, that the inks of that period were frequently corrosive, as is proved by the state of many documents now made illegible through the gradual attrition of the paper by mineral acids.  It is also not impossible that artists may have already invented what we call steel pens.  Sarpi, in the seventeenth century, thanks a correspondent for the gift of one of these mechanical devices.  Speaking broadly, the reed and the quill, red and black chalk, or matita, were the vehicles of Michelangelo’s expression as a draughtsman.  I have seen very few examples of studies heightened with white chalk, and none produced in the fine Florentine style of Ghirlandajo by white chalk alone upon a dead-brown surface.  In this matter it is needful to speak with diffidence; for the sketches of our master are so widely scattered that few students can have examined the whole of them; and photographic reproductions, however admirable in their fidelity to outline, do not always give decisive evidence regarding the materials employed.

One thing seems manifest.  Michelangelo avoided those mixed methods with which Lionardo, the magician, wrought wonders.  He preferred an instrument which could be freely, broadly handled, inscribing form in strong plain strokes upon the candid paper.  The result attained, whether wrought by bold lines, or subtly hatched, or finished with the utmost delicacy of modulated shading, has always been traced out conscientiously and firmly, with one pointed stylus (pen, chalk, or matita), chosen for the purpose.  As I have said, it is the work of a sculptor, accustomed to wield chisel and mallet upon marble, rather than that of a painter, trained to secure effects by shadows and glazings.

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.