Ten Boys from Dickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Ten Boys from Dickens.

Ten Boys from Dickens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about Ten Boys from Dickens.

“What I want you to be, Trot,” said my aunt,—­“I don’t mean physically, but morally; you are very well physically—­is, a firm fellow, a fine, firm fellow, with a will of your own, with determination.  With character, Trot, with strength of character that is not to be influenced, except on good reason, by anybody, or by anything.  That’s what I want you to be.”

I intimated that I hoped I should be what she described, and she added that it was best for me to go on my trip alone, to learn to rely upon myself.

So I was fitted out with a handsome purse of money, and tenderly dismissed upon my expedition, promising to write three times a week, and to be back in a month’s time.

I went first to say farewell to Doctor Strong, and then took my seat on the box of the London coach.  It was interesting to be sitting up there, behind four horses; well educated, well dressed, with plenty of money, and to look out for the places where I had slept on my weary journey.  I stretched my neck eagerly, looking for old landmarks, and when we passed Salem House I fairly tingled with emotion.  At Charing Cross I stopped at the Golden Cross, and as soon as I had taken a room, ordered my dinner, trying to appear as old and dignified as possible.  In the evening I went to the Covent Garden Theatre, and saw Julius Caesar and a pantomime.  It was new to me, and the mingled reality and mystery of the whole show, lights, music, company, and glittering scenery, were so dazzling that when I went out at midnight into the rain, I felt as if I had been for a time an inmate of another world, and was so excited that instead of going to my room in the hotel I ordered some porter and oysters, and sat revolving the glorious visions in my mind until past one o’clock.  Presently, I began to watch a young man near me whose face was very familiar.  Finally, I rose, and with a fast-beating heart said,

“Steerforth, won’t you speak to me?”

He quickly glanced up, but there was no recognition in his face.

“My God,” he suddenly exclaimed, “It’s little Copperfield!”

Then ensued a violent shaking of hands, and a volley of questions on both sides.  He was studying at Oxford, but was on his way to visit his mother, who lived just out of London.  He was as handsome, and fascinating, and gay, as ever, in fact quite bewilderingly so to me; and all those things which I enjoyed, he pronounced dreadful bores, quite like a man of the world.  However, we got on famously, and when he invited me to go with him to his home at Highgate, I accepted with pleasure, and spent a delightful week there in the genteel, old-fashioned, quiet home.  At the end of the week, Steerforth decided to go with me to Yarmouth, so we travelled on together to the inn there, and took rooms.

As early as possible the next day, I visited Peggotty.  She did not recognise me after our seven years’ separation, but when at last it dawned on her who I was, she cried, “My darling boy!” and we both burst into tears, and were locked in one another’s arms as though I were a child again.

Project Gutenberg
Ten Boys from Dickens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.