When suppuration has occurred—and this, by-the-by, is by far the most frequent condition in which we find punctured foot—treatment must be prompt and decided. Careful search must at once be made by thinning down the sole, and carefully trimming the frog. On no account should the veterinary attendant rest content with ‘digging’ in one place, and upon that basing a negative opinion as to the existence of pus. The paring should be carried on, until either pus or haemorrhage shows itself, in at least three positions—namely, at the most anterior portion of the sole, and in the sole at each side of the frog. In addition to this, the frog itself should be minutely examined for evidence of puncture, or for leaking of pus at the spot where the horn of the heels joins the skin.
In many of our cases, however, this careful search is not so necessary. The accompanying symptoms are so decided as to leave no doubt as to the condition of the case. In such instances paring may often be commenced over the exact position of suppuration as previously ascertained by percussion.
When met with, the track formed by the suppurative process should be followed up in whichever direction it has spread. This will often necessitate the removal of the greater part, if not the whole, of the horny sole.
Having given vent to the pus, and opened up the cavity made by its formation, the foot should be placed in a hot poultice or, preferably, in a hot antiseptic bath.[A]
[Footnote A: At the time of writing this, a certain amount of discussion is going on in our veterinary journals as to whether a hot or a cold bath is the one indicated. It is urged against the application of heat that it favours organismal growth and reproduction, and tends rather to induce the spread of the suppurative process than to overcome it. Those who hold this opinion urge in support of it that cold applications are inimical to the life of the pus organism. At the same time, it must be remembered that in just so far as cold inhibits the growth of the invading germ, so in just the same degree does it adversely influence the functions of the tissues that are to fight against it. To our minds the question thus set up must always remain more or less a moot-point, and while we fully agree that cold undoubtedly checks the growth of septic material, we just as fully believe that warmth serves to place the healthy surrounding structures in a far better condition to maintain a vigorous phagocytosis against it. We thus continue to advise a hot antiseptic poultice, or, better still, a bath.—THE AUTHOR.]
At the end of the third or fourth day the poultice or the bath may be discontinued, and the opening in the sole dressed with any suitable astringent and antiseptic.
The most serious complication arising from this method of treatment is one of excessive granulation of the sensitive sole. This we find to be successfully held in check by a daily application of undiluted Spts. Hydrarg. Perchlor. (Tuson). Should the granulations become very exuberant, then the knife must be called to our aid, and the wound so made afterwards dressed with an astringent.