M. Peron then quotes M. Depuch’s (the mineralogist to the expedition) report: “La couleur de ce basalte est d’un gris tirant sur le bleu; sa contexture est tres-serree, son grain fin et d’apparence petro-silicieuse; de petites lames brillantes et irregulierement situees sont disseminees dans toute la masse; il ne fait aucune effervescence avec les acides, et n’affecte pas sensiblement le barreau aimante; sa partie exterieure a eprouve une espece d’alteration produite par les molecules ferrugineuses: cette decomposition n’atteint pas ordinairement au dela de 3 ou 4 millemetres de profondeur.”
M. Peron then continues M. Ronsard’s report: “M. Ronsard croit devoir penser, d’apres la conformation generale et la couleur de la partie du continent voisine, qu’elle est d’une nature semblable et volcanique. C’eut ete, sans doute un objet d’autant plus important a verifier, que, jusqu’alors, nous n’avions rien pu voir de volcanique sur la Nouvelle Hollande, et que depuis lors encore, nous n’y avons jamais trouve aucun produit de ce genre; mais notre commandant, sans s’inquieter d’une phenomene qui se rattache cependant d’une maniere essentielle a la geographie de cette portion de la Nouvelle Hollande, donna l’ordre de poursuivre notre route.”
(Footnote. Peron Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes volume 1 page 130.)
The rise of the tide was found by the French officer who landed upon it to be at least twenty-five feet, which fact of itself was sufficient to have induced us to examine into the cause of so unusual a circumstance; for the greatest rise that we had hitherto found was not more than eight or nine feet.
The hills at the back of this group of islands, which Commodore Baudin called L’Archipel Forestier, recede from the coast in the shape of an amphitheatre, which made me suppose that the coast trended in and formed a deep bay; but this still remains to be ascertained, and we quitted the place with much regret: for it unquestionably presented a far more interesting feature than any part that we had previously seen.
On our passage to the north coast we saw the Imperieuse and Clerke’s Shoals, and also discovered a third, the Mermaid’s.
On the north coast we found some deep bays and excellent ports, and at the bottom of the great bay of Van Diemen we discovered several rivers, one of which we ascended for forty miles. The thickly-wooded shores of the north coast bore a striking contrast to the sandy desert-looking tract of coast we had previously seen, and inspired us with the hope of finding, at a future time, a still greater improvement in the country between the two extremes.